Introducing 360 Video Support: Engage Your Viewers Like Never Before

Introducing 360 Video support at BridTV
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Video technology has been transforming rapidly for years now, and with these developments came changes in how we capture video. Nowadays, capturing video in 360 is becoming increasingly accessible, and more and more video professionals are doing it. 

Since Brid.TV has always strived to keep up with the latest trends in the industry, we decided it was high time to get on board with this trend ourselves. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Brid.TV platform now fully supports 360 video as of our latest update!

What Is 360 Video

If you ever wondered what it would be like to go scuba diving by the radiant coral reefs or skydiving but never had to courage to do so, you can get a near authentic experience with 360 videos. 

360 videos let you share experiences over video in the most immersive way possible.

How? It’s pretty simple — 360 videos are videos shot with an omnidirectional camera that give viewers complete control over the direction they want to look in. In other words, users can rotate the video 360 degrees and watch it from any angle they want. Here’s a quick example of a 360 video:

As you can see, instead of being constrained to a single angle, viewers can enjoy breathtaking panoramic views with 360 video. That lets them explore the scenes and experience them as if they were there. 

How to Capture 360 Video

360 video has quickly captured the hearts of viewers worldwide. So if you want to stay on top of your viewers’ expectations, you should start making them yourselves.

Although shooting a 360 video is not as simple as filming a traditional one, it’s not too challenging with the right equipment.

What You’ll Need

  • An omnidirectional camera capable of capturing 180° and software needed to create the 360° video effect.
  • A good position for your camera with an optimal filming angle to give your viewers the best vantage point (centralized camera position is the best).
  • A tripod or camera stand to fixate your shot and avoid filming yourself while holding the camera.

Once you have the set ready, all you’ll need is appropriate software to compile your footage into a fully panoramic 360 video. Although some cameras come with this feature integrated, you will have to do it manually in the post-production process if you can’t afford such high-end gear. If you need recommendations for quality 360 video stitching software, you can find some in this article.

Why Brands Should Use 360 Video

We know what you’re probably thinking — 360 video sounds expensive — and you’d be right. However, investing in it is well worth it, and here are a few reasons:

  • 90% of Americans deem 360 videos better than regular videos.
  • 360 videos have 46% higher video completion rates.
  • Users are 8% more likely to judge 360 video ads as relevant.


Whether you wish to use 360 video to drive ad revenue or generate leads, improving your videos’ completion rates and relevancy is a surefire way to boosting your bottom line. Since these videos are more engaging and appealing to audiences, viewers are more likely to stick around for longer. That means they’ll be more likely to hear your brand’s message and convert! 

Give Your Viewers the Most Immersive Experience Possible and Dominate the Online Video Landscape

Whether you’ve been planning to try 360 videos for a while now or are considering it for the first time, we cannot understate the benefits it can bring to your brand.

In today’s competitive digital environment, the best way to grab your viewers’ attention is to stand out. And nothing stands out better than 360 videos! So what are you waiting for? Start making some 360 videos and give your viewers the immersive experience they deserve.