Introducing Automatic Captions and EU Streaming Servers

Automatic video captions at Brid.TV
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Our latest platform update brought with it many quality of life changes and new features. But two of the most notable ones are our latest automatic captions feature and our introduction of dedicated EU streaming servers.

So whether you’re a publisher heavily into live streaming or have a rich VOD library, you’re going to love these two features. Now let’s learn more about each of them!

Make Your Videos More Accessible With Automatic Captions

Nowadays, people are becoming increasingly demanding regarding the type of content they consume. When you combine that with the ever-growing competition on the digital market, it should be clear why publishers are always looking for ways to entice their viewers. That is where captions come in!

Captioning your videos is a seamless and easy way to boost your videos’ engagement. That is particularly true for videos that start playback muted, as it allows viewers watching without sound to understand what’s happening.

Aside from that, including closed captions in your videos improves their accessibility, helping you reach wider audiences.

As of our latest update, publishers can contact their account manager and apply for an automatic captioning feature. With it, you can now generate VTT files automatically and caption your videos with a single press of a button! cms screenshot automatic captions

So don’t hesitate to contact us and start using this feature immediately!

Improve Your Stream’s Latency With Our New European Servers

We also have some fantastic news for all live streaming enthusiasts! If you are a publisher from Europe, you can say goodbye to latency issues while streaming. That’s right — we’ve introduced a brand-new European live stream server to minimize lag for our European users.

As of our latest update, you can now choose where you want to host your live streaming server before launching it. cms screenshot european live streaming server

Good luck with your streaming endeavors! If you need further help with any of our new features or have some questions for us, feel free to reach out.