We have some exciting news for online publishers! Our team at Brid.TV has been working hard on something special for the last few months, and we’re finally ready to reveal the fruits of our labor!
We’re proud to introduce our brand-new video ad performance platform (VAPP) that will help publishers streamline prebid management and maximize ad revenue!
What Is Brid.TV Video Ad Performance Platform (VAPP)?
Brid.TV VAPP is an advanced video prebid management system designed to help ad agencies and ad networks set up and manage prebids across multiple websites in just a few clicks. Brid.TV VAPP comes with a user-friendly CMS that will make setting up prebids at scale a breeze. That means you don’t need any ad ops knowledge to set it up!
Our platform allows advertisers to seamlessly integrate their GAM or GAM 360 accounts to bid against all of their custom-set SSPs. Brid.TV VAPP is also equipped with extensive ad analytics for both instream and outstream videos that will ensure publishers stay on top of their monetization game at all times. VAPP also includes various audience targeting options and allows publishers to set up custom pricing and CPM for each of them.
The best part about VAPP is that once you set everything up, our platform will handle everything for you!
Take Your Video Prebidding to the Next Level With Brid.TV VAPP
We at Brid.TV are dedicated to helping publishers and advertisers monetize their videos and maximize ad revenue, and our video ad performance platform is just another step in that direction.
We know that switching to prebidding comes with various challenges, primarily in the implementation department. That is why we’re hoping Brid.TV VAPP addresses most of these difficulties and makes header bidding more accessible to advertisers worldwide.