Kick Your Business Into High Gear With BridTV Analytics 2.0 analytics 2.0 ad performance data
  • Post category:Business / Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

There are several aspects that provide a stable foundation for any online business. At present, one of the most effective ways of boosting your online enterprise is video. People engage with videos and the format itself creates a greater impact than any other content out there. If you have everything in place in order to run your online business, you’ve been working hard on development, marketing, strategy, and other factors that enable you to achieve a steady income, client loyalty, and audience retention. Now, the efficiency of every single one of these factors greatly depends on two things: research and planning. Both of them need to be based on valuable data. Let’s say you’re looking into the behavior of your target audience or gathering ad performance data from your recent campaign. You’re going to want concrete, accurate, and reliable information to form a promising plan for any future endeavors.

We have come a long way, and our innovative tech streamlines monetization for web publishers. It features many services and solutions, not the least of which is our new and powerful analytics engine with detailed ad performance data.

Filter Your Ad Performance Data to Get More Specific Ad Metrics

The BridTV Analytics Engine allows publishers to zero in on just the right kind of ad performance data – the kind that’s important to them. Quite often, it’s hard to pinpoint exactly which part of your strategy needs reworking. The upgraded analytics engine creates a variety of unique possibilities in terms of data gathering. As you dig deeper into the performance of each vital metric, you can use intuitive options and filters available in the BridTV CMS.

Accurate Site-based Video Analytics

Data gets more accurate when you filter it according to the website. Our analytics allow you to set the data so you can:

  • Track performance by video.
  • Track performance by site.
  • Track performance by playlists.

Once you’ve established and selected your preferable filters, you can get even more detailed analytics, which can be:

  • Sorted according to ad impressions.
  • Sorted according to ad requests.
  • Sorted according to bandwidth.
  • Sorted according to device/OS.
  • Sorted according to GEO (location)
  • … and so much more.

Customizable Analytics and Ad Performance Data Reporting Tool

Download extremely valuable data.
As you work to improve your monetization strategy, you can rely on our dashboards and detailed completely customizable reports. You can generate these reports in a few clicks. Once you’ve filtered all the ad data in the BridTV CMS, you can download a report using our simple reporting tool in CSV, XLS, and PDF formats. Easy, detailed, and incredibly helpful.

How to Boost Your Video/Ad Engagement?

It’s a fairly simple question that leads to a few fairly simple answers. You can track and monitor any ads or videos that you have stretched across various online domains in the BridTV CMS. And here’s the best part: this system of tracking and gathering ad performance data involves a huge variety of options. Some of them you can check out below:

  • Ad Viewability Metrics – Our comprehensive analytics engine now allows tracking ad viewability. This generates even more accurate ad data.
  • Per Video Data Reporting – In addition to detailed analytics per video, we also offer publishers per-video reports. If your online business model is based on ads over video and revenue sharing, you need to know exactly how and where your ads performed best. For instance, did ad impressions reach the highest number during mid-roll, pre-roll or other?
  • Precise Ad Metrics – The efficient high-tech ad performance data will allow you to gather specific info and spot any friction points of relevant media and creatives, so you can further improve your business efforts.
  • Metrics Per Ad Tag – This is one of the many features where BridTV Analytics Engine truly shines. Publishers can utilize accurate metrics that are delivered per ad tag. This is incredibly useful and appears to be an aspect used by many publishers today.
  • Know What You Need to Fix by Locating Ad Errors – Zero in on specific ads or creatives that have not performed the way you expected. This is something that is considered to be a vital component of our analytics system.