Live Stream From Your Phone Like a Professional

How to live stream from your phone by BridTV
  • Post category:Live Streaming
  • Reading time:16 mins read

Live streaming has become accessible to everyone in recent years. With the proliferation of social media, publishers are now one click away from reaching their audience in real time. Indeed, the live streaming market is growing every year. Some estimate that the industry will be worth $70.5 billion by 2021. This doesn’t come as a surprise as the viewing hours of live video content increased by 65% from 2017 and 2018.

You don’t need expensive equipment anymore to engage with your customers. It’s enough to have a working smartphone and a platform that supports live videos. In a matter of minutes, you can check in with your followers, share your expertise, hold a Q&A session, host a virtual gig, and many other things. Just live stream from your phone and reap the benefits of this increasingly popular content type!

Indeed, 78% of people watch online videos every week. This medium has the ability to engage and entertain consumers who are finding it difficult to focus on text-based content. In fact, people now have an attention span of eight seconds. Publishers are rushing to produce content that can snatch customers’ attention and encourage them to interact with the brand. Videos have proven to be powerful enough to stop the audience from scrolling down their feeds. And your smartphone can take these videos!

That’s right, if you own the latest mobile device, you have all the tools you need to live stream from your phone. You can basically broadcast whenever and wherever you want. Here’s a helpful guide to how to do this like a pro!

How to Live Stream From Your Phone

Social media is enjoying massive popularity. According to Statista, over 3 billion users are active on these networks. Chances are, you have a social media business account where you post updates, behind-the-scenes content, and other. This means that you also have a live streaming platform on your smartphone. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer features that enable you to broadcast right from their apps. Brid.TV also supports mobile streaming, enabling you to provide a glitch-free viewing experience on the go.

Publishers and content creators usually go live on social media because they already have an existing follower base there. When they use Instagram IGTV, the app sends a notification to their audience that they can tune into the broadcast. Facebook’s app does the same. This helps brands get more views and it may encourage followers to share the live video with their family and friends.

But if you need more features to live stream from your phone like a pro, Brid.TV has your back. You can easily embed an interactive live experience on your website and earn money while doing it! That’s right you can monetize your live streams with us and tap into our extensive options to maximize your ad revenue.

But don’t start broadcasting just yet! We encourage you to continue reading our article to get tips on how to live stream from your phone and captivate your audience.

Create an Unforgettable Live Experience From Your Phone

As technology advanced, publishers and content creators received more options to reach their audience. Today, they have a video-ready device wherever they go. Indeed, smartphones have made it easier for brands to interact with their customers.

However, there are some steps you can take to improve the video quality and provide your viewers with an enjoyable experience. Here’s what you should focus on if you want to live stream from your phone.

Stabilize Your Shot

Nothing will make viewers turn off the live video like footage that is bouncing up and down. Therefore, you should ensure your shot isn’t shaky. One way to do this is with the help of a stand or tripod. Place your phone onto one of these and you will stabilize the frame. Also, it’s best if you position your device horizontally while you’re shooting the live stream.

Focus on Lightning

In most cases, lightning can make or break your videos. It’s easy to forget about it, but lightning can really improve the overall quality of the broadcast. If you don’t want to invest in a proper setup, there’s another solution. You can position your phone with a window facing you. Natural light should be enough to create a quality video. Of course, avoid sitting with your back to a window because this will ruin your shot.

Alternatively, you can purchase a ring light online. This will make a big difference when you live stream from your phone, trust us!

Ensure the Sound Is Clear

You probably won’t require an external mic for your live stream as long as you stay at arm’s length. The mic on your mobile phone will suffice in most cases. Of course, you can set aside a budget for an external audio device which can help you block any intrusive background noises. Some publishers, on the other hand, opt for earbuds with built-in microphones.

We will leave it to you to decide whether or not you will invest in a mic. Regardless of your choice, remember to stream from a quiet location where there isn’t much background noise.

Check Your Connection

A fast and reliable internet connection is crucial if you want to live stream from your phone. A poor connection will ruin the experience and prompt your viewers to turn off your broadcast. And we’re sure you want to avoid this at all costs!

Experienced broadcasters know that it’s important to have a high upload speed. We suggest that you test your internet early or even a day in advance. For instance, you can run a speed test.

As far as the reliability of your stream is concerned, make sure to connect to a network that isn’t overloaded. Wi-FI can do the trick, just ensure that other members of your household aren’t using the network too much. It’s also desirable to have a backup Internet source. This can be a dedicated hotspot that will come in handy in case your chosen network fails you.

Don’t Forget to Test Everything

Internet connection isn’t the only thing you should check. Namely, you should also do a test stream to ensure you’re ready. Before you go live, examine your equipment and test it to see how everything appears on screen. Replicate the event as much as you can! As a result, you can identify issues and work on correcting them.

Start Streaming From Your Phone With Brid.TV

As we previously said, you can launch a mobile live stream using an advanced video platform that allows you to broadcast in high quality and earn a steady profit. You don’t need any technical know-how to deliver your streams to your audience with Brid.TV. In fact, you can broadcast from your phone in just a few steps.

What’s more, setting up a live stream on a mobile device is now easier than ever before with Wowza GoCoder. You should install the app for Android or iOS in order to set it up to work with a Brid.TV live stream. Make sure you’re using the Wowza Streaming Engine and just follow these steps to configure the streaming engine:

  1. Host — In the server tab, you should input only the IP that you see in our system and nothing else. Then, the port should be 1935.
  2. Application — You should input the app name here. It is the one we show in our dashboard. Apart from that, in the stream name you should add the exact stream name available in our dashboard.
  3. Source Authentication — Leave empty both the source username and source password.

Of course, you should give all the required permissions to the app so that it can record live streams. The app will connect to our live stream servers once you click on the record button. It doesn’t get easier than this!

Live Stream From Your Phone Now

Now that you know the basics, there’s one more thing you need to do — choose your medium. As we said, social media is one solution, but if you plan to live stream from your phone often, we suggest you find a dedicated and reliable video platform.

At Brid.TV, we support mobile live streaming! Our state-of-the-art platform comes with a wide range of features that will take your broadcasts to the next level. Brid.TV live stream has been skillfully crafted for performance and quality. Your viewers will be able to play, pause, or review live events whenever they choose to.

So, bring the best live streaming experience to your audience by choosing Brid.TV!