Live Streaming for Education: The Future Is Here

Live streaming for education by bridtv
  • Post category:Live Streaming
  • Reading time:19 mins read

The world needs online education now more than ever before. This type of digital distant learning gives enormous flexibility to both teachers and students. Regardless of what’s happening around the globe, learning doesn’t need to take second place anymore. It’s all thanks to technology that has enabled live streaming for education.

While pandemics don’t typically lead to school closures, the need for distant learning is at an all-time high ever since the spread of the coronavirus. Many countries rushed to ensure students didn’t bear the brunt of the pandemic. So, the majority of them decided to transform classrooms into digital learning hubs where education has the leading role.

But, even without a crisis, online education is changing lives for so many. It’s opening doors for students who wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience schools and learning. Indeed, live streaming has made education more accessible to people around the world. Students who live in Japan can now attend classes in the USA, and vice versa. Students with jobs can now pursue a college degree in the evenings.

Live streaming, in particular, is extremely useful for online learning. Only videos can create a classroom-like atmosphere and allow for real-time interaction. So, it doesn’t get any better than live streaming for education nowadays.

Let’s talk more about this technology and how to prepare to use it for educational purposes.

The World Is Crazy About Online Education

Pandemic or no pandemic, people are going crazy over online education. And we can’t blame ‘em. After all, they don’t need to worry about getting on time to their 8 a.m. class or commuting. Indeed, distant learning connects the sense of freedom with the ability to learn. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

We’ve collected a few statistics to help you understand just how important online education is today.

6 Million Students Are Pursuing Online Education

Online education is taking the world by storm. The USA seems to be the Mecca for distant learning. Namely, over 6 million Americans are pursuing their degrees on the Internet. This massive expansion has prompted colleges to increase the number of online classes they offer, making it easier for people to start professional careers.

Online Students Are Working Adults

Although more college-aged students are opting for online education, most digital students are hard-working professionals. Before online education, people had to juggle between learning and working. Many of them had to make sacrifices in order to fulfill their dreams. But, they don’t need to do this anymore. By recording their lectures, teachers are making students’ lives easier. You see, 84% of online bachelor’s students are employed while trying to get a degree.

Online Is Cheaper Than Brick and Mortar

Without dorms and formal classrooms, online degrees are cheaper than their traditional counterparts. In fact, the average student needs to set aside between $30,000 and $50,000 for tuition alone! That’s why distant learning is becoming more appealing to students. If you can have the same benefits and expertise for less money, why not use that opportunity?

Okay, educational institutions are warming up to live streaming. If you’re already there, we’ll pass on a number of tips to help you while you’re using live streaming for education.

Live Streaming for Education: Preparing for Your Event

Everything is going according to plan. Students have signed up for your next lecture. You have the topic you’ll cover and you’re preparing a presentation. But, you need to cover one more thing — live streaming. To ensure you’ve thought of everything, here’s a step-by-step process to help you.

Pick a Location

So, you’re using live streaming for education? Kudos to you! But, where will you record your live video? In a classroom? A conference room? A living room? This choice depends on you. However, you do need to give it some thought. The venue should have all the materials you need for a good learning experience — a whiteboard, projector, computer, or anything else you need.

But, there’s another more important criteria. That venue needs to have a stable internet connection. Your efforts will go down the drain if there’s limited connectivity. Streaming uses a lot of data, so a strong connection is what you need.

Equipment Needed

To stream educational videos, you need to invest in equipment. After all, those videos will be a replacement for traditional classrooms. So, you need to upload high-quality videos or you risk your students losing focus. Set a budget aside for live streaming equipment and take your lessons to the next level!

Here is some of the equipment to purchase:

  • Camera: There are so many possibilities here. You can choose professional 4K cameras or smartphones; anything that will produce high-quality broadcasts.
  • Microphone: A truck passing near your window shouldn’t prevent students from hearing you. That’s why you need a microphone that can record your voice.
  • Encoder: An encoder helps you transcode the format in which the camera records your video content. Once optimized, your video is suitable for live streaming platforms.
  • Tripod: Now, we’re not saying you can’t multitask, but it’s simply impossible to hold your camera AND be the star of the video. Invest in a tripod, everyone will feel thankful… including you.
  • Proper lighting: Of course, buy lightning equipment if your filming location requires it.

Work on Your Educational Content

Teachers work hard on their lesson plans. They employ their experience and years of training to create engaging lectures for their students. However, the switch between traditional lessons to live-stream classes isn’t easy, and it needs a bit more work.

Firstly, you need to think about how you present new information. Will you use a whiteboard or a smartboard? In that case, you have to figure out how to get the camera to capture it. For instance, you can do a voice-over while the camera is recording the whiteboard.

Even though you’re making small changes, you need to test and prepare them before hitting the record button!

Secondly, it’s crucial that you remain confident throughout the live stream. Yes, the uncharted territory might be intimidating for newcomers, but you need to present with confidence. Your students feed off your energy, so you should be as calm as possible.

Even if you and your colleagues aren’t required to use live streaming for education, we suggest that you contemplate it. Videos are a force to be reckoned with. Many teachers will tell you that using videos in an educational context can improve collaboration and facilitate learning. Not only that, but it can also boost engagement and effectiveness.

Give It a Shot

Once you have chosen your location and set up your gear, it’s time to start your broadcast! Here are some of the tips that can help you during streaming:

  • Make sure your devices run on full battery.
  • Speak clearly and loudly.
  • Pause to check in on your students.
  • Stop your presentation to allow students to ask questions.
  • Give examples.
  • Have a break.

Of course, you don’t want to live stream without running through your lesson. So, we recommend that you record yourself giving the lecture to see if there are some changes you need to make. In this way, your attempt at using live streaming for education will go off without a hitch!

Teachers Love Live Streaming for Education

You might be on the fence about using a video streaming platform for education, but the majority of teachers aren’t. In fact, there’s one survey that proves our statement. According to the American Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), the number of teachers believing that video is an effective learning tool is increasing:

  • 68% say that video stimulates discussions
  • 66% think that video increases motivation
  • 61% believe students prefer video

So, take a cue from your colleagues, and introduce live streaming to your classrooms!

Live Stream With Brid.TV

As we said, using live streaming for education is an unexplored territory for some teachers. But, this doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try something new. Over time, you’ll become more comfortable while broadcasting and your students will appreciate the effort. However, there’s something else that you need if you want to have a seamless experience — a reliable video and live streaming platform on your side. What a coincidence, all of this is synonymous with Brid.TV!

You and Brid.TV are on the same team. Want to live stream without any problems? Ensure your students watch your broadcasts without any issues? Want to master live streaming? We wish all of this for you as well! That’s why we work around the clock to ensure your introduction to live streaming is the best one!

Here are the benefits you can reap with Brid.TV:

  • DVR Support (the option to play, pause, and rewind live events)
  • Multiple Quality Renditions
  • Mobile Live Streaming (glitch-free viewing experience on mobile devices)
  • Live Stream Monetization

The future of learning is here! Use live streaming for education and see how you and your students benefit from it.