8 Key Live Streaming Tips and Tricks to Achieve Success

Brid.TV Video Platform
Brid.TV | Livestream Tips
  • Post category:Live Streaming
  • Reading time:26 mins read

With new developments in technology, live streaming has become a booming industry in recent years. In fact, 47% of viewers are now watching more live streams than they did a year ago. This just goes to show that this medium is the future of video marketing.

Of course, you might hear from skeptics who believe that live streaming is only suitable for video games, but don’t get disheartened by them. Live streaming is suitable for just about anything. Want to plug a new product or service? Just go to your social media account and start live streaming a short tutorial on them!

What is the cost of live streaming? Can anyone afford it? Find the answers here.

You’re bound to attract some millennials who are captivated by live content. Indeed, 63% of people aged 18-34 watch live streams regularly. And not just on Twitch where passionate gamers go to get their fill of video games. Quite the contrary, millennials visit every major social media platform to watch a wide range of live content.

From Facebook Live to Instagram Live, users now have a chance to engage with each other in real time. This option to stream videos has become popular now more than ever before because of the global pandemic and lockdowns. Social distancing is still important in 2021, so people want to connect with each other and these tech giants are there to satisfy their desire.

That being said, we’re here to provide valuable tips and tricks to you, regardless of whether you’re an aspiring live streamer or a veteran in the industry!

Let’s start!

Planning Is Everything

Before we start, we want to remind you that producing a quality live video takes patience and, most of all, planning. It’s not just a matter of recording yourself and saying whatever comes to mind — there are many moving parts involved. If something goes wrong, your stream could go off the rails in just a few seconds.

As a professional, you surely want to avoid this! Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of live streaming tips to help you become successful in the industry. And they are:

Let’s check them out below!

Check Your Ethernet Connection

a photo illustration of internet connectivity

Improving your internet connection should be the first step you take before doing a live stream. So, connect to a dedicated, hardwired connection to avoid any network issues. Switching from Wi-Fi to a wired LAN can improve the connection speed and, in turn, the quality of your live stream.

Aside from people who can interfere with your Wi-Fi connection, another problem is that your computer or laptop is periodically scanning for new networks although it is already connected to one. As a result, you can experience dips in your connection. And we’re sure this is the last thing you want to happen.

Of course, a wired LAN won’t necessarily make your internet faster. However, it will provide something better — a consistent and reliable local connection. And when you have this, you won’t have to worry about getting disconnected from the internet in the middle of your live stream.

Have the Right Equipment

a woman holding a pair of headphones in front of a camera on a tripod

To make a high-quality live stream, you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment, but it’s crucial to have some gear, including cameras, microphones, and encoders. But if you choose to record with your phone, experts say that you should have a tripod. Imagine how difficult it would be to record a Facebook Live with your arm constantly holding your smartphone.

Also, contemplate your sound quality and how professional you want it to be. Of course, most cameras come with their own microphones, but you can use body mics as well, especially if there’s a lot of noise in your neighborhood.

Now that the essential equipment is out of the way, think about encoding software. This nifty system converts the camera footage into a format supported by your streaming platform. Of course, the software depends on your budget, but do research to find the one that best suits your needs.

What is video encoding? Why should you encode videos? Find out here.

Lastly, we encourage you to set up a professional backdrop. It can be the one that boasts your company logo. With a backdrop, you can brand your videos and add some visual consistency to them, which is a good move if you plan to become a full-time live streamer.

Back Up Everything

You know what they say, better safe than sorry.

Most of us have experienced a system crash or hard drive failure and we know how frustrating that can be. Losing important files is probably one of the worst things that can happen, especially if you worked hard on them. So, to prevent this from happening to you, we suggest backing up your live streams.

Once you back them up, the system will create playlists that your viewers can access at any given time. This is a great way to increase your viewership because anyone can watch a broadcast they missed or find those videos you posted before they started tuning in.

Think Two Steps Ahead

It’s essential that you plan your live stream like you would any other video content. Just think about some of the popular talk shows out there. What would happen if the guests, lighting, and sets weren’t planned in advance for them? Well, chaos would ensue.

To avoid this scenario, you should put the same thought into your live stream as you would into any other in-person event. Don’t forget to focus on your goals as you begin to come up with your plans. Of course, when preparing for a live video, it would be wise to strike a balance between thinking two steps ahead and being improvisational. Even though 43% of viewers say that compelling content motivates them to watch live online videos, they also want you to show your authentic personality

Here are some of the steps you should take at this stage:

  • Prepare a plan: It’s crucial that you come up with some key messages or calls to action for your target audience. With a plan, your live stream will end up being organized and structured.
  • Think like your viewers: It’s inevitable that your audience will feel compelled to ask you some questions while interacting with you. If you don’t want to be put on the spot, you can identify possible questions and prepare answers in advance.
  • Rely on others: Ask a friend or a fellow content creator to join your live stream. They can interact with the viewers and read their messages. Alternatively, they can also moderate the chat.

At the end of the day, planning ahead will help you keep your live video engaging and compelling.

Consider the Size of Your Audience

Yes, you should think about your viewers during the live stream, but we have something else in mind here. Namely, our next tip is: think about your audience beforegoing live. Some brands dive head first into live broadcasting without anticipating the size of their audience which you should avoid at all costs. There are two important questions you should ask yourself here.

  1. How many people will tune in? If you decide to simulcast, i.e. live stream your content on multiple platforms, then you’ll probably gather a larger audience than you would by streaming on only one website. In this case, you should estimate how many viewers might tune in. With this ballpark number, you can plan how you’ll manage feedback and questions you might get from viewers.
  2. Is your video private or public? Naturally, a public live stream will attract more people than a private one would. Ultimately, it’s up to you whether you want everyone to see your content or just a selected group of people. If you opt for the latter, then you might need a private video embed on your website.

With a clear understanding of how many people will watch you, it will be easier for you to plan your live stream. Let’s say that you’re certain that 20 people will tune in, then you can organize a Q and A session with them after your speech ends.

This brings us to our next tip — interaction with your audience.

Interact with Your Viewers

a person holding a phone recording a concert with emojis all around it

We should make one thing clear — a live stream isn’t your typical YouTube video where your audience sits tight, watches your content and, if you’re lucky, likes it or leaves a comment on. No, it’s an entirely different thing.

With live streams, you viewers want to interact with you and be a part of the discussion. Therefore, it’s crucial for your brand to provide them with something or rather someone to interact with. You see, better interaction equals higher retention time. So, if they feel they’re valuable, your viewers will stick around and contribute to your stream.

They don’t want to listen to songs while waiting for your guest to arrive or for you to set up your camera. Quite the contrary— they should be involved in what’s happening in front of them. After all, they’re watching your live stream because of that intimate connection it provides. Thus, reciprocate, talk with, and acknowledge your loyal community.

Also, you can even call followers out by their name. Alternatively, you can ask them questions or respond to any they may have. Another option is to see if they have any song requests and, if they do, to indulge them by playing what they asked for. 

As you can see, your possibilities are endless.

Practice Makes Perfect

This streaming tip is probably the most obvious of them all, but practice does make perfect. There’s a reason why we want to rehearse our dance moves or practice our best man or maid of honor speeches — we don’t want to humiliate ourselves before a large crowd.

Of course, in the live streaming world, content creators like yourself rely on dry runs to avoid technical missteps. Yes, improv can be hilarious and make you more likable, but people won’t be impressed if you’re verbally unprepared. Not only that, but you might also drive your audience away if your equipment stops working and you don’t have a plan B.

Promote Before Going Live

a person holding a phone with social media apps folder open in front of a laptop

Most of the content you publish is promoted so as to reach a wider audience. But you need to remember that live videos are more like an in-person event than a blog post. To be specific, you need to attract interest before going live if you want to gain viewership. You can publish posts on your social media announcing the date and time when you’ll do a live show.

Additionally, if you have subscribers, you can even send them emails to get their attention. But don’t just repeat that you’re going to stream — your audience will be aware of that after several posts or emails. While reminding them, you can also tell them something new of value. For example, mention a tip you’ll share or what topic you’ll be covering. If it’s something that hits close to home, then they’ll go above and beyond to watch your live stream.

Following our tips, we’ll zero in on a number of statistics that prove live streaming is all the rage right now!

Live Streaming Fever

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a new normal into our lives in 2020, affecting most industries around the world. Companies had to cancel in-person events and find new ways to reach their audience. Luckily, live streaming proved to be a powerful ally that not only kept businesses connected with their customers, but also helped marketers achieve their objectives.

Indeed, the pandemic impacted the increase in live streaming across all industries. With countries closing schools to flatten the curve, these institutions went online to ensure their students continue with their education as per usual. But it wasn’t only eLearning that turned to live streaming last year. Those working in the fitness industry also went live to help people stay in shape.

Take a look at the increase in live streaming across a number of industries:

covid19 impact on live events statistics illustrated

Want to provide the best online learning experience to your students? Here are the steps you should follow!

Furthermore, most brands go live on social media as these platforms have more than 3 billion active users. Where else would you find such a large audience base? As video is the most popular content type on social media, you’re sure to catch people’s attention. Here’s where customers watch live streams the most:

an illustration of how many people stream on which social channels

Lastly, unlike popular belief, live streaming attracts different generations — not only millennials:

social live streaming statistics by age group illustrated

Your Moment to Shine

There you have it — top 8 live streaming tips and tricks to cement your path to success. The biggest take-away should be that planning can make or break a live stream. If you don’t put much thought into what you’re doing, then don’t expect impressive results.

On the other hand, a pre-planned live video can propel you to stardom and increase your brand awareness. So, before going in front of an audience, pick a topic, contemplate how you’ll present it, and think of the ways in which you can interact with your viewers during the live stream. We’re sure that all the above-mentioned live streaming tips and tricks will come in handy and prepare you to press play and start recording.

Finally, every pro live streamer needs a dedicated video platform to host and manage their broadcasts. We at Brid.TV understand how important live streaming is in this day and age. That’s why we go above and beyond to help publishers and content creators in their quest to provide the best user experience to their viewers. Start live streaming with Brid.TV and enjoy these benefits:  

  • DVR Support (the ability to play, pause, and rewind live events)
  • Multiple Streaming Quality Renditions (including HD)
  • Mobile Live Streaming
  • Live Stream Monetization
  • Premium Customer Support

What’s more, our state-of-the-art video platform and user-friendly CMS are there to provide a hassle-free experience to you while you’re setting up your live streams.

What are you waiting for?