Manage Your Videos Easily With Filter Options and Amazon Comprehend

New filters and Amazon comprehend tags at Brid.TV
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Last week, we released our latest platform update which introduced new additions to our platform, bug fixes, and improvements. We’re quite proud of this update because its many features and quality of life changes are certainly going to make life easier for content creators and publishers.

Furthermore, two things that stand out are our new video filter options and Amazon Comprehend video tag suggestion. Trust us — both of these will streamline the entire video management and categorization processes!

Let’s learn more about the two features and see why they are so valuable!

Navigate Your Content Easily With Video Filter Support

Every person working in the online video industry wants to streamline the video management process as much as they can. Instead of wasting their time on trivial tasks, they want to be able to focus on more important matters such as content creation. Thanks to our latest addition to the platform, you can do that!

Our team added video filter support inside the platform on the video list screen for better navigability. In just a few clicks, you can save custom filters and select those videos you want to manage with this option. Another bonus is the fact that your last used filter will be saved as a browser cookie. This means that your custom filter setting will apply every time you access your account!

Rely on Amazon Comprehend Tags for Better Video Categorization

We have some more exciting news to share! Brid.TV implemented Amazon Comprehend video tags that lead to better video categorization.

What’s more, Amazon Comprehend is a natural language processing service. It’s popular for using machine learning in order to find insights and relationships in publishers’ content. We wanted to implement Amazon Comprehend video tag suggestion so as to ensure our publishers improve their video categorization! There is also an option to auto-add tags within our platform!

So, navigate your content easily and take advantage of better video categorization with Brid.TV! If you need further help with any of our new features or have some questions for us, feel free to reach out.