20 Best Mobile Ad Networks for Publishers and App Developers

mobile ad networks featured
  • Post category:Advertising
  • Reading time:63 mins read

Are you an app developer looking to turn your latest mobile game into a source of income? Or perhaps you’re building an OTT app and want to monetize video content? Whatever the case is, if you want your mobile app to provide a stable, reliable revenue stream, you will need to leverage one of the top mobile ad networks.

With the right ad monetization network, making money off of your app or content can be easy and stress-free. Choosing a network, however, is a whole different story. So to help you reach a final decision, we’ve put together a quick guide to mobile ad networks, how they work, and which key features they should have. If you’d rather jump straight to our top 20 list, you can do so from the table of contents below.

What Is a Mobile Ad Network

A mobile ad network is an advertising platform that connects mobile publishers and app developers who want to sell ad inventory with advertisers who want to buy it. In other words, they act as an intermediary and a marketplace for mobile ad trading. 

How Do Mobile Ad Networks Work?

how mobile ad networks work
How Mobile Ad Networks Work

We have established what mobile ad networks are, but how do they work exactly? Every time an app user sees an ad, a complex process takes place behind the scenes, and it looks something like this:

  • Once a publisher with an app joins an ad network, the network will have access to the app’s users’ data, available ad space, and so on.
  • When a user opens the publisher’s app, a piece of ad real estate is generated. This real estate needs an advertisement to be monetized.
  • The ad network also has access to mobile ad demand, either directly from advertisers who have joined the network, through SSP and ad exchange integrations, or both.
  • The mobile ad network uses the data collected from the publisher and the campaign requirements from advertisers to find the best match for the available ad space.
  • Once the mobile ad network has identified the best ad space, the creative is sent to the app, and the user sees an ad.

This whole process takes place within seconds and, ideally, affects the app loading speed minimally. There may also be some differences in the steps involved, depending on the specific ad trading technology being used. 

For instance, if the ad network relies on real-time bidding, multiple advertisers will bid on the available inventory at the same time, and the one with the highest offer will win. On the other hand, the network might use the now-outdated waterfalling method, in which it sifts through the offers one by one until it reaches the first one that satisfies the publisher’s floor price requirement.

What to Consider When Choosing a Mobile Ad Network

Not all mobile ad networks are made equal. The right network for your app will mostly depend on your specific requirements. However, regardless of what exactly you’re looking for, there are certain factors you should keep in mind on top of the most competitive CPM

Mobile Ad Formats

Before you jump straight into monetizing your mobile app with ads, you should decide which mobile ad formats you want to serve. Some of the most popular options include banner ads, rewarded video ads, and interstitial ads. They all have their advantages and drawbacks, so choose wisely. 

For instance, interstitial ads are quite attention-grabbing, but they can also be intrusive and annoying, as they take up the whole screen. On the other hand, rewarded video ads have great completion rates, but they might not convert very well, as users often only care about the reward, rather than the ad itself. Lastly, banner ads are versatile and non-intrusive, but they need excellent visuals to avoid banner blindness.

Header Bidding Support

Header bidding is by far the most efficient method of trading ad space. Although it may not bring as much ad revenue as direct deals, it is the best option for selling any leftover ad real estate to advertisers. 

Going for a mobile ad network that doesn’t support header bidding will inadvertently decrease your app’s earning potential. Needless to say, along with header bidding technology, the network should also offer detailed header bidding analytics.

Ad Targeting Options

Audience targeting can make or break even the best campaign. The better an ad performs, the higher the ad yield. This is why precise audience targeting is paramount for publishers and app developers. 

While behavioral targeting is still relevant and quite widespread, publishers stand to gain a lot from contextual targeting, too. With it, instead of leveraging user data to serve relevant ads, the network uses information on the app itself to pick the best ads. For instance, if you have a fitness app, your users may see ads for exercise equipment, workout plans, or nutrition-related content.

In-House Ad Analytics

Having access to ad analytics can provide you with valuable insights into the performance of the ads in your app. You can use this data to tweak and optimize variables such as floor prices and maximize ad yield. Of course, even if your network of choice doesn’t have in-house analytics, you can always integrate a third-party solution, but this usually comes at an additional cost.

Top 20 Mobile Ad Networks for Publishers and App Developers

So you’ve decided which ad formats you’d like to implement in your app monetization strategy and which features your platform of choice should have. All that’s left to do now is find a mobile advertising partner that can make it all happen. And to make that task easier, we’ve put together a list of the 20 best mobile ad networks for publishers.

1. Google AdMob

Google AdMob logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Native ads
Rewarded ads
Interstitial ads
Banner ads

AdMob is Google’s mobile ad network and the largest player in the market. It allows for the ad-based monetization of apps of all types and sizes, regardless of where you are. AdMob has high-quality ad demand for all the most popular ad formats, including native, rewarded, interstitial, and banner ads.

Unlike Google ADX, AdMob doesn’t have a strict traffic requirement for its publishers. However, it is not the most profitable option for smaller publishers with lower traffic. In addition, the payout minimum is pretty high, and the platform has quite strict rules and terms of use.

Key Features:

  • Supports the most popular mobile ad formats
  • Actionable and detailed analytics
  • Real-time bidding
  • 100+ partner ad networks
  • Brand-safety tools

2. Brid.TV Marketplace

brid tv marketplace logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
In-app video ads
Interstitial ads
Banner ads
Rich media ads
Instream video ads
CPM 100,000 monthly users

Brid.TV Marketplace is a programmatic ad platform with cross-device ad-based monetization support. As a Google MCM partner, it provides publishers and app developers with access to high-end ad demand from Google ADX, along with many other advertising partners. 

Brid.TV Marketplace is mainly a video ad network, although its publishers can also make use of display advertising through formats such as banners. Along with support for many high-performing ad formats, the platform also offers a detailed analytics suite. Lastly, Brid.TV Marketplace relies on real-time bidding powered by Prebid, which comes with detailed header bidding analytics.

In addition to the Marketplace, Brid.TV comes with a full-stack online video platform with features such as unlimited video hosting, a lightweight, customizable HTML5 player, and a stack of security tools. 

Key Features:

  • Programmatic advertising support
  • Access to premium ad demand
  • High-performing mobile ad formats
  • Detailed analytics suite
  • Fully-fledged online video platform
google exchange

Get access to premium Google ADX inventory with a reliable Google MCM partner.

Start Monetizing

3. Amazon Publisher Services

Amazon publisher services logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
In-app display ads
In-app video ads 
Banner ads for mobile web
Pre-roll video ads for mobile web
CPM 5000 daily visits

Amazon Publisher Services (APS) allows publishers and app developers to monetize mobile app traffic through an array of ad formats. The platform comes with unique Amazon ad demand, along with available integrations with other demand sources. APS uses in-app header bidding technology and comes with an array of analytics tools.

While APS offers great features and tools, joining the platform can be quite a challenge. Amazon’s Transparent Ad Marketplace has a high minimum traffic requirement, while Unified Ad Marketplace is an invite-only platform.

Key Features:

  • Built-in and integrated ad demand
  • In-app header bidding technology
  • Free-of-charge for publishers
  • Auction-level reporting
  • Server-side bidding

4. SmartyAds

Smartyads logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Native ads
Text ads
Video ads
Interstitial ads
Rich media ads
Rewarded video ads
Playable ads
CPM 300,000 monthly views

SmartyAds is an all-in-one ad network with a proprietary SSP, DSP, and ad exchange. The platform provides clients with access to both open and private marketplaces so they can maximize their earning potential.

SmartyAds relies on both in-app and server-side header bidding technology to allow publishers to sell ad inventory at optimal CPMs. Needless to say, this comes with detailed reporting, so publishers can keep track of their auctions. However, SmartyAds also has a high traffic threshold for publishers, requiring at least 300,000 active monthly users.

Key Features:

  • Wide range of ad formats
  • All-in-one ad network
  • Open and private marketplace
  • In-app and server-side header bidding
  • In-depth analytics and reporting

5. AppLovin

applovin logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Native ads
Interstitial ads
Rewarded video ads
Playable ads
Rich media ads
CPE (cost per engagement)
CPR (cost per reach)
CPP (cost per point)
CPO (cost per order)

AppLovin is a mobile monetization platform with 100+ advertising integrations and partners, including Google AdMob, Unity, the Trade Desk, and more. The platform supports an array of ad formats, including the highly-engaging rich media ads

AppLovin supports all of the most popular platforms and operating systems, including Android, iOS, Unity, Cordova, and FireOS. It also comes with an array of brand safety tools designed to detect and report problematic content and ads. Lastly, AppLovin provides fully transparent insight into ad performance.

Key Features:

  • All popular mobile ad formats supported
  • 100+ ad partner integrations
  • Real-time QA testing tools
  • Detailed analytics and reporting
  • Brand safety tools

6. PubMatic

pubmatic logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Interstitial ads
Native ads
Rewarded video ads
Rich media ads
100 million monthly impressions

PubMatic is primarily an OTT advertising platform with extensive support for cross-device monetization, including mobile apps. It has high-quality ad demand and a stack of tools and features integral for successful monetization.

PubMatic allows publishers to implement all types of mobile ad formats, from regular banner ads to rich media advertisements. Lastly, the platform leverages header bidding technology and offers detailed ad and audience analytics.

Key Features:

  • Open and private marketplaces
  • Detailed ad and audience analytics
  • Proprietary SSP
  • Premium ad demand
  • Header bidding technology

7. Smart AdServer 

smart adserver logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Native ads
Banner ads
Expandable ads
Background ads
Carousel ads
Interstitial ads
Rewarded ads

Smart is a feature-rich ad server, SSP, and DSP. It is a one-stop, all-in-one solution for publishers looking to monetize their mobile apps and websites through advertisements.

Smart AdServer’s biggest strength lies in the wide array of innovative, unique ad formats it supports. In addition to this, the platform relies on contextual targeting, making it a great choice for cookieless environments. Lastly, Smart AdServer offers all the staple tools and features any good ad partner should have — real-time reporting, ad optimization, and more.

Key Features:

  • Innovative mobile ad formats
  • Contextual ad targeting
  • All-in-one advertising solution
  • Ad quality and brand safety tools
  • Header bidding technology

8. Unity Ads

unity ads logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Rewarded video ads
Interstitial ads
Playable ads
End cards
Banner ads
CPI (cost per install)

Unity Ads is a mobile ad network with a focus on mobile game monetization. Aside from in-app advertising, Unity Ads also supports IAP (in-app purchases), and it allows developers and publishers to market their apps to the right audience.

Unity Ads has its own ad exchange with dozens of integrated demand sources. It provides publishers with the possibility to implement all kinds of mobile ads, and it supports all major mobile operating systems. Needless to say, detailed reporting and insights are also available.

Key Features:

  • Mobile game monetization platform
  • Proprietary ad exchange with dozens of demand sources
  • An array of mobile ad formats available
  • Support for in-app purchases
  • Ad management tools

9. Epom Apps

epom apps logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Smart banner ads
Native ads
Interstitial ads
Rewarded video ads
CPA (cost per action)

Epom is a next-gen app monetization provider that uses AI technology to optimize and maximize ad performance. It supports both programmatic ad trading and direct deals, and it allows publishers to implement all kinds of mobile ads into their apps.

Epom makes it easy for publishers to integrate multiple ad networks to access high-quality demand at great CPMs. The platform boasts high ad fill rates and partnerships with some of the best ad vendors on the market, including AdMob, MoPub, AppLovin, and more.

Key Features:

  • Programmatic and direct deals
  • AI-powered ad optimization
  • High reported ad fill rates
  • Excellent support for developers and publishers
  • Extensive mobile SDK available

10. Digital Turbine (Formerly AdColony)

digital turbine logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Interstitial ads
Rich media ads
Video ads
Playable ads
Rewarded video ads
Offer wall ads

Digital Turbine is a mobile digital advertising provider with over a billion users and dozens of ad partner integrations. The platform boasts extensive ad optimization toolkits designed to maximize publisher revenue. Digital Turbine provides premium ad demand from an array of programmatic DSP partners through DT FairBid, its proprietary ad auctioning solution.

Aside from the typical in-app ad formats, Digital Turbine also has DT Offer Wall, an app extension that allows users to fulfill offers in return for a reward, such as in-app currency, boosts, or additional lives. This opens up another potential stream of revenue for publishers and developers.

Key Features:

  • Programmatic ad trading technology
  • Extensive ad optimization toolkits
  • Offer Wall app extension for additional revenue
  • Dozens of ad partner integrations
  • Excellent ad targeting

11. Leadbolt

leadbolt logo svg
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Interstitial ads
Native ads
Rewarded video ads

Leadbolt is a robust app monetization platform with both publisher- and advertiser-focused services. It maintains a secure and reliable monetization network, so publishers and developers can safely sell ad inventory and monetize through innovative and engaging ad formats.

Leadbolt’s platform features an array of tools designed to maximize publisher revenue, such as real-time, detailed analytics and reporting, ad yield optimization toolkits, and dynamic ad insertion technology.

Key Features:

  • GDPR compliant
  • Extensive set of analytics
  • Programmatic and direct deals marketplace
  • Cryptocurrency-powered monetization
  • High-performance ad formats

12. InMobi

inmobi logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Video ads
Native ads
Playable ads
Rich media ads
Carousel ads
Interstitial ads
Banner ads

InMobi is a mobile advertising network designed both for publishers and advertisers. It comes with an array of engaging and interactive ad formats such as rich media and playable ads. On top of this, InMobi provides publishers with access to diverse, high-quality ad demand from hundreds of DSPs. 

In addition to all the usual tools and features, such as ad analytics and optimization tools, InMobi also has UnifID, a modern online identity solution designed to address the restrictions on mobile ad identifiers. With this solution, publishers can access better audience targeting, transparent reporting, and simpler user ID management.

Key Features:

  • Advanced audience targeting and filtering
  • Wide selection of ad formats
  • Proprietary ad exchange
  • Hundreds of demand source integrations
  • User ID management solutions

13. Smaato

smaato logo svg
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Native ads
Video ads
Interstitial ads

Smaato is an ad tech platform tailored to publishers and advertisers alike with an emphasis on OTT advertising services. It relies on real-time bidding and other programmatic ad trading methods, such as programmatic direct.

Smaato’s major advantage is its proprietary ad server that grants publishers more control over their inventory and a better audience reach. In addition, it has high-end fraud detection and prevention features, making it a particularly safe choice. Lastly, Smaato also operates a marketplace with various display and video ad formats, contextual targeting, unified demand, and more.

Key Features:

  • Header bidding and programmatic deals
  • Wide array of ad network integrations
  • Built-in ad server
  • Built-in ad marketplace
  • Fraud prevention features

14. Start.io (Formerly StartApp)

start.io logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Rich media ads
Native ads
Video ads
Rewarded video ads
Interstitial ads
Playable ads
Banner ads

Start.io is a mobile monetization provider that puts a lot of emphasis on high-end, precise audience targeting. The platform’s publishers can target users using MAIA, a proprietary AI solution, through contextual, hyperlocal, and behavioral targeting.

On top of precise targeting, Smart.io also provides premium ad demand from across the globe, along with detailed, real-time data. All of this is available from Smart.io’s easy-to-navigate, user-friendly dashboard.

Key Features:

  • High-end audience targeting features
  • Real-time reporting and analytics
  • AI-based ad tech
  • Remarketing capabilities
  • Proprietary SDKs

15. ironSource

ironsource logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Rewarded video ads
Playable ads
Interstitial ads
Native ads
Video ads
Banner ads
Offerwall ads

ironSource is a reputable mobile ad vendor specializing in mobile video advertising and app monetization. It provides a single unified point of contact to high-quality demand sources, along with an expansive pack of optimization tools.

Along with premium demand and great optimization capabilities, ironSource also features real-time, detailed reporting on app performance, including metrics such as daily active users, retention rates, and more. Lastly, the platform provides publishers with full control over the ads displayed in their apps.

Key Features:

  • Expansive library of ad formats
  • Access to high-quality ad demand
  • Expansive optimization toolkit
  • Real-time reporting and analytics
  • User acquisition tools for publishers

16. Media.net

media net logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Display ads
Native ads
Video ads

Media.net is one of the largest mobile advertising solutions on the market, and it boasts some high-end clients, including Forbes, Elle, WebMD, and more. Their main selling point is well-targeted contextual native advertising with dynamic ad optimization.

Media.net also features a marketplace where publishers can access high-quality ad demand through real-time bidding and direct deals. The platform relies on next-generation header bidding solutions.

Key Features:

  • Great contextual targeting
  • Dynamic ad optimization
  • Premium demand marketplace
  • Real-time bidding and direct deals
  • Extensive reports and analytics

17. Appodeal

appodeal logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Interstitial ads
Native ads
Rewarded video ads
Playable ads
CPI (cost-per-install)

Appodeal is a stack of solutions designed to help publishers grow and monetize their mobile apps. Although it doesn’t possess its own ad exchange, it integrates with dozens of top demand sources, allowing publishers to sell ad inventory at competitive prices. 

Appodeal provides publishers with comprehensive business analytics, limitless A/B testing, programmatic and direct ad trading options, precise audience targeting, and privacy and security features. Lastly, the platform offers some handy audience retention tools.

Key Features:

  • Dozens of ad demand sources
  • Comprehensive business analytics
  • In-app bidding, programmatic, and direct deals
  • Powerful proprietary ad server
  • Privacy and fraud protection technology

18. Yahoo Ad Tech

yahoo ad tech logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Interstitial ads
Native ads
Rewarded video ads

Yahoo Ad Tech is a set of solutions and tools that allows publishers to monetize content across all channels, including mobile. The platform supports all the most common mobile ad formats, from regular banners to rewarded video ads.

In addition to this, Yahoo Ad Tech offers access to thousands of premium advertisers looking for ad inventory. What’s more, the platform integrates with over 50 third-party DSPs for additional demand. Lastly, publishers can sell ad inventory through header bidding, programmatic direct, and guaranteed direct deals.

Key Features:

  • Wide array of mobile ad formats
  • Programmatic and direct deals
  • Huge network of advertisers and publishers
  • Audience targeting tools
  • Comprehensive analytics stack

19. MobFox

mobfox logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Native ads
Interstitial ads
Banner ads
Rich media ads
Video ads

MobFox is an ad-based monetization provider for mobile publishers. The platform comes with its own SSP and ad exchange. Using these, publishers can easily set up, monitor, and optimize their ads to maximize ad yield. They can sell ad inventory using both real-time bidding and direct deals through a private marketplace.

In addition to all of these, MobFox also features the so-called Performance Agency, a platform where publishers can track and optimize the performance of their ads. This includes tools and features such as fraud prevention, retargeting, social media buying, and more.

Key Features:

  • Proprietary SSP and ad exchange
  • Real-time bidding and direct deals
  • Full-stack ad performance platform
  • Fraud prevention technology
  • SDKs available

20. Taptica

taptica logo
Supported Ad Formats Payment Model Minimum Traffic
Banner ads
Interstitial ads
Video ads
Interstitial ads

Taptica is an end-to-end ad monetization platform with comprehensive solutions for mobile advertising. It features a stack of proprietary ad tech solutions designed to streamline the process of buying and selling inventory. 

Taptica allows its users to narrowly target ads and campaigns with precise audience targeting tools. It also offers actionable, data-driven reports and analytics. Lastly, Taptica can provide its publishers with dedicated account managers for additional support.

Key Features:

  • Mobile-only advertising network
  • Dynamic supply source segmentation
  • High-quality demand
  • Sophisticated audience targeting
  • Auto-optimization features

Choose the Right Platform to Monetize Your Mobile App

As you can likely tell, choosing the right platform to monetize your app won’t be an easy task. There are so many options on the market, and they all bring something new to the table. So if you’re not sure where to start, we can’t say we blame you.

However, we do have an easy solution — join Brid.TV Marketplace. With our platform, you get access to premium ad demand, some of the most engaging ad units, detailed, comprehensive reports, and a whole dedicated ad ops team by your side. Join Brid.TV Marketplace today to start monetizing.


· Premium Google ADX Demand
· Omnichannel Monetization
· Rich Selection of Video Ad Formats
· Real-Time Performance Tracking
· Automated Reporting

Start Monetizing
Brid.TV Marketplace


A mobile ad network is a platform that allows app developers and publishers to place ads on their apps and monetize them. Likewise, these platforms provide advertisers with in-app ad space.

Mobile ad networks work by bringing together advertisers, who require ad space, and publishers, who need ads to monetize their mobile apps. They usually rely on programmatic advertising to ensure maximum revenue and effectiveness for all parties involved.

The best mobile ad networks for publishers are Brid.TV Marketplace, Google AdMob, and Amazon Publisher Services.

The best mobile ad networks for advertisers are Google AdMob, Smaato, and InMobi.

The best ad networks for mobile games are Brid.TV Marketplace, Unity Ads, and AppLovin.