New and Improved Video Content Matching System

Video content matching at BridTV
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Our last platform update brought with it several new features, upgrades, and bug fixes. Besides our new and improved competitive bidding, we also made significant changes to our video content matching system.

Video Content Matching Revisited

In this update, we’ve successfully dealt with a few troublesome issues that plagued our video content matching system:

  • If publishers didn’t have appropriate tags on their videos, they’d have to add them manually.
  • Publishers with websites in languages other than English couldn’t use our “suggested tags” feature to automate the video tagging process.

As of today, our team can go through your entire video library and get it ready for video content matching by adding appropriate tags to all your videos. So if you’re behind on tagging your videos, we can now handle the process for you.

Also, our “suggested tags” feature will now correctly use Amazon Comprehend matching system to suggest tags for non-English websites. That means all publishers will now be able to streamline the video tagging process.

Finally, we also made some changes to how our content matching system works on the backend, which helped speed up our player even further!

Publishers can try this new system by applying for it through our CMS.

video content matching screenshot brid cms

If you have any additional questions about this feature or need help with anything, send us an email and our team will get back to you promptly!