Fast, Reliable, and Secure Online Video Hosting

All your video hosting needs in one place.

Scalable Video Hosting on Secure Servers

Reduce the load on your infrastructure by storing your video library on our robust and secure servers.

Lightweight Video HTML5 Player

Fast and Smooth Content Delivery

Get your video content delivered quickly and ensure low-latency playback with Amazon CloudFront CDN.

Streamline Video Encoding and Transcoding

Enjoy swift and accurate server-side encoding in multiple quality renditions and ensure smooth playback on any device.

Brid.TV Ad Banners

Advanced Security Features

URL Tokenization

URL Tokenization

Get in touch with your account manager and protect your content from hotlinking with this advanced security feature.

Security Icon

DRM Integrations

Easily integrate Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, or iOS Fairplay DRM software with the Brid platform or protect your content with Brid.TV’s third-party DRM partner.

Upload Videos in a Few Clicks

Add videos to our platform seamlessly through our CMS and get them ready for embedding in a matter of minutes. Upload content with YouTube links or import videos directly from your Dropbox account.

Brid.TV Video Platform

Leverage Secure Hosting and Ensure Swift Content Delivery.