Oracle MOAT Analytics Integration: Tackle Invalid Traffic With Real-Time Data

Oracle Moat Analytics support at bridtv
  • Post category:News / Platform
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Dear publishers,

We’re excited to announce that the Brid.TV online video platform now officially supports Oracle MOAT analytics. We have successfully implemented this tool’s JavaScript SDK, so anyone who wishes to use it to supplement Brid.TV’s video and ad analytics and expand their advertising data set can now integrate it with the Brid.TV CMS seamlessly.

What Are Oracle MOAT Analytics

Oracle MOAT Analytics is a third-party analytics tool that helps publishers maximize ad revenue through extensive, cross-platform performance measurement of their online and CTV advertising campaigns. 

These analytics were built to collect comprehensive and transparent advertising metrics across multiple channels, platforms, and ad formats to help publishers make more data-driven decisions and protect them from ad fraud.

Key Features of Oracle MOAT Analytics

Here are just some of the features Oracle MOAT analytics offer and how publishers can use them:

  • Campaign Verification — Publishers can identify their best-performing campaigns across various devices and environments (e.g., mobile, CTV, display) and optimize their ad spend accordingly.
  • Impression Delivery Verification — Advertisers can confirm whether their impressions were seen by real people and whether they happened in brand-safe environments.
  • Brand Safety Compliance — Advertisers can lower the risk of their ads appearing in non-brand-safe or fraudulent environments with Oracle MOAT’s advanced advertising data. 
  • Invalid Traffic Detection — Publishers can accurately track invalid traffic (IVT) with Oracle MOAT Analytics to help them block bids on invalid impressions.

How to Set Up Oracle MOAT Analytics at Brid.TV

Publishers can integrate Oracle MOAT Analytics with the Brid.TV CMS without much hassle. If you don’t already have an Oracle account, you will need to make one and purchase their MOAT Analytics service. After that, just follow the steps outlined in our setup guide below.