Our Video URL Tokenization Has Just Got Better

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  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

We released a platform update yesterday which introduced new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Besides the option to import entire YouTube playlists to Brid.TV, we made significant changes to our video URL tokenization feature.

What can publishers expect now? Let’s find out!

Support for HLS Stream Video Tokenization

The online publishing industry has faced many threats for years now — content theft being one of the most prevalent ones. That is precisely why publishers want to protect their content and find a secure video platform.

Brid.TV has always put content safety first. We offer our publishers the option to sign their content URLs. This enables them to restrict public access to their content, protecting it from theft.

Prior to the latest platform update, URL tokenization was available for MP4 videos. However, we are excited to share with you that this option is available for HLS streams as well!

HLS is a widely used video streaming protocol, supported by most devices. We know HLS streams are valuable to our publishers, which is why we made the decision to extend our URL tokenization feature to these streams as well.

Whether you publish HLS streams or MP4 videos, Brid.TV is there for you to enable URL tokenization and ensure content safety!

Video URL Tokenization Is One Click Away

We have got more good news for our publishers!

After the latest platform update, our dev team has streamlined our implementation of video URL tokenization.

This means that video URL tokenization is now only one click away:

At the click of a button, we can enable or disable (depending on your request) video URL tokenization. This has significantly streamlined the implementation process.

Why is video URL tokenization beneficial to our publishers?

Easy — it protects their content. No one can take a URL to their video or HLS stream and pass this content as their own.

As long as you host your videos and HLS streams on Brid.TV, you can take advantage of our video URL tokenization feature!

If you have any additional questions about this feature or need help with anything, send us an email and our team will get back to you promptly!