Brid.TV Speeds Up Its HTML5 Player in Preparation for Google’s Core Web Vitals

Brid.TV’s Video Player Is Now Much Faster Ahead of Google’s Core Web Vitals

Los Angeles, California, April 27, 2021: Brid.TV, a fast-growing tech company offering a powerful video platform and extensive monetization options, announced today it has cut down on its player’s JS execution time for around 400–500 ms. Brid.TV’s video player has become much faster ahead of Core Web Vitals, Google’s initiative to provide the best user experience by measuring speed, responsiveness, and visual stability of a website. This update will ensure publishers’ video-rich websites load in a blink of an eye.

Publishers, content creators, and game developers choose Brid.TV to host, manage, and monetize their online video content. They all rely on Brid.TV’s platform to deliver a unique user experience to viewers and embed videos to their websites. This content type can put a strain on web pages, slowing down their loading time. Publishers are now able to circumvent this problem because Brid.TV has sped its HTML5 player. Video content will now load near-instantly on their websites.

“Publishers around the world are preparing for Google’s Core Web Vitals. Many of them are working with developers to implement required changes to improve user experience on their websites,” said Igor Damic, Senior Publisher Relations Manager at Brid.TV. “We wanted to help them even more by cutting down our player’s JS execution time for around 400-500 ms. Their videos will now load faster which will boost their Page Speed score.”

The latest update is part of Brid.TV’s initiative to improve the marketing and advertising industry by developing unique solutions. By speeding up its HTML5 player, Brid.TV shows it is dedicated to publishers and analyzing their needs.

For more information on Brid.TV’s lightweight player, contact Brid.TV here.

About Brid.TV

Brid.TV is a powerful enterprise-level cross-device online video platform, which offers a wide range of ad solutions. Publishers can host, encode and monetize their videos any way they want, with free ad support from our platform.

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