Programmatic 101: A Deep Dive Into the Programmatic Advertising Ecosystem

Ad demand has become much higher than the available supply nowadays, leading to an increasingly competitive market. That growing competition between advertisers for the increasingly scarce online ad inventory paved the way for what has now become the staple of the online advertising industry — programmatic advertising.

Thanks to programmatic advertising, publishers and advertisers can now streamline and optimize their ad exchange processes. The technology uses machine learning and AI optimization to increase transparency, efficiency, and revenue for advertisers and publishers.

But despite its incredible potential, the programmatic advertising world has a high barrier to entry due to its complexity. There are many factors at play in the programmatic advertising ecosystem, so newcomers to the industry can get overwhelmed.

If you’re new to programmatic advertising or wish to learn more about some of its aspects, this e-book will teach you the ins and outs of the programmatic advertising ecosystem.

In this e-book, you will learn:

  • What is programmatic advertising
  • What comprises the programmatic advertising ecosystem
  • How the elements in the programmatic advertising ecosystem are connected
  • Everything you should know about the key terms in programmatic advertising
  • About the different types of programmatic advertising
  • The advantages of programmatic advertising
  • What lies in the future of programmatic advertising
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