Real Estate Video Marketing 101: Leveraging Video to Attract Buyers [With Examples]

Real Estate Video Marketing Tips by Brid.TV

In today’s volatile and competitive real estate market, buyers and sellers worldwide are always looking for reliable real estate agents. But, as everyone who’s been in the world of real estate for a while already knows, the competition is fierce. Agents are aplenty, while potential buyers and sellers are limited. So how do you make yourself stand out in the vast sea of competition? The answer is quite simple — by leveraging the power of real estate video marketing!

Why You Should Leverage Real Estate Video Marketing

Why video? This question seems like an obvious one to ask, so let’s address it immediately. There are various reasons realtors should consider using video to reach their target audiences:

  • Videos are an easy and accessible marketing tool for generating leads.
  • Using videos to find potential clients will make you stand out from the competition.
  • Video is a highly relatable medium, which will help you build trust and establish a connection with your customers.
  • Videos are a more trustworthy medium for showcasing real estate than photographs, which will boost your credibility.

Aside from the above, there is plenty of factual data to support the use of video in real estate. Did you know that:

  • 85% of buyers and sellers are actively looking to work with agents who use real estate videos in their marketing? (Virtuets)
  • 39% of prospects use sites with embedded videos when looking for a home, and 56% of them found they were “very useful”? (National Association of Realtors)
  • Real estate agents who leverage real estate video marketing get four times more prospects than those who don’t? (Easy Agent Pro)

As you can see, video can be an incredible addition to a real estate marketer’s repertoire, and any realtor worth their salt should be using it. But how can you start with real estate video marketing if you’re a beginner, and what types of videos should you make? Don’t worry — that’s why we’re here!

We know that getting on board with something as complicated as video can be daunting, but trust us when we say — it’s significantly easier than you might think. Let’s begin by offering some useful real estate video marketing tips you should stick by before we get to our real estate video examples.

7 Real Estate Video Marketing Tips to Keep in Mind

real estate video marketing tips

The first step on your real estate video journey is always the hardest, which is why we’ve prepared some useful tips to help you along the way. Here are seven real estate video marketing tips that will help you get more clients and close more deals:

  1. Be Careful With Your Budgeting
  2. Create a Promotion Strategy
  3. Make Relatable Videos
  4. Keep Your Videos Short But Sweet
  5. Use Captions
  6. Provide Your Contact Info and Include a CTA
  7. Include Appropriate Music

Let’s check them out in more detail!

1. Be Careful With Your Budgeting

The first step of video content creation should always be budgeting. That is particularly true if you’re a newcomer on the market and are on a tight budget. Video production costs are likely going to be the biggest strain on your funds. However, if you’re tight on cash, there is a low-cost, DIY option you could go for too.

DIY Video

One of the most obvious benefits of opting for a DIY option is taking everything into your own hands. That includes filming your content, editing, and promoting it! That leaves you a lot of room for creative control over your content, which is an admirable upside. 

Also, if you’re tight on cash, you can even film your real estate videos using your phone. The cameras most current-gen devices sport is more than capable of shooting a high-quality video, so you shouldn’t encounter any issues with your consumers.

Unfortunately, the recording process might prove too challenging and time-consuming for amateur videographers. Lack of recording experience can prove detrimental to your content’s quality, and it will be evident immediately. If you don’t create the best video possible, your audience won’t have the incentive to watch it, leaving you at a loss. 

So weigh the pros and cons of the DIY method carefully before deciding to give it a try. Even if you don’t have the budget for a team of professionals, perhaps it would be better to save up until you do. If you try to make your real estate video yourself and fail, it can do irreparable harm to your brand.


  • Full editorial control over the content.
  • You can do it with just a phone.
  • It can be done with next to no budget.


  • Inexperienced videographers may find filming the content challenging.
  • Might end up being time-consuming due to your lack of experience.
  • Requires a lot of technical skill.

Bonus Tip: The easiest way to make these types of DIY videos is to use one of the many real-estate video marketing tools out there. For instance, solutions like InVideo offer users a handy, beginner-friendly real-estate marketing video maker at affordable prices. Using one of these tools can be an easy way to make a DIY video that will showcase your every property in the best light.

Professional Videos

The most notable benefit of hiring a team of professional videographers to take care of your video content marketing needs is the quality guarantee that comes with it. Combine that with speedy delivery and the variety of customization options, and you’re sure to be satisfied!

Unfortunately, working with video creation agencies is costly, which means you will have to set aside a hefty budget if you opt for this option. Also, you won’t have much creative control over your content due to how most agencies work, which might end up in an unsatisfactory real estate video.


  • Quality is guaranteed, as you will be employing tried-and-tested professionals.
  • Significantly faster to make than a DIY video.
  • Plenty of customizability options.


  • Less creative control over your video.
  • Expensive.

2. Create a Promotion Strategy

The next step on your real estate video marketing journey is to create a video promotion strategy. After all, your video has to reach your target audience for it to generate leads! Overall, there are multiple ways to promote your real estate videos effectively:

  • Creating a YouTube Channel — With over two billion users on the platform, YouTube is an excellent way to get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible.
  • Sharing Your Videos on Social Media — Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have incredible reach, so you don’t want to miss the opportunity to reach prospective buyers over these platforms.
  • Optimizing Your Videos for the Search EnginesSEO optimizing your videos increase their chances of appearing in Google search results. Reaching that first page on Google can be just the thing your business needs to get on its feet!
  • Embedding Your Video on Your Website — A real estate video can be an excellent addition to your brand’s website. It can help your site’s SEO efforts, help you build credibility with consumers, and make you stick out among the crowd.
  • Syndicating Your Video on Multiple Channels — In today’s growingly digital world, expanding your reach as much as possible is essential to growing a brand. The same applies to realtors too! The best way to do that is to upload your video to multiple video syndication platforms — that would maximize the odds of your content getting noticed.

The best part about the above methods of promoting your real estate videos is that you can start on any budget! Unlike strategies like PPC, these techniques don’t require much (if any) initial investment but are incredibly effective over the long haul. If you’re interested in extra ideas on how to promote your videos on a budget, check out this article.

3. Focus on Your Customers

Once you get your budgeting and promotion strategy sorted, it’s time to think about laying out your content. That is where you should put your focus on making your videos as relatable as possible. Why? Because home buyers and sellers want a reliable solution to a particular problem, and it’s your job to provide it.

If you focus too much on trying to sell yourself, you’re likely to come across as pretentious or pushy, and nobody will want to hire you! Instead, you should showcase how you can solve your clients’ problems and try to put an emotional twist to it! Show them that you’re human, and you’re more likely to establish a connection with them and get them on board.

Taking a consumer-first stance and focusing on your clients is a surefire way to grow a brand. And that is where real estate videos shine!

4. Keep Your Videos Short But Sweet

One of the most common mistakes most beginner video creators make is dragging their videos on for too long. Did you know that only 37% of viewers watch a video all the way through? That’s right! And the chances of them finishing your video go down the longer it is.

So how long should you make your real estate videos? It depends on the type of video you decide to make, but for things like listing videos or agent profile videos, we’d say that up to two minutes is optimal.

Remember that there is no one-length-fits-all for videos, so it will mostly boil down to trial and error and experience. Once you see what works best, you can optimize further. Oh, and keep in mind not to forcibly shorten your video by cutting out valuable content! In other words, a one-minute video might be enough to showcase a suburban family home, but the same length won’t suffice for presenting a Beverly Hills mansion!

5. Use Captions

If you’re creating a video with narration or dialogue, you should include closed captions. Why? There are a few reasons:

  • They make your videos accessible to people with hearing impairment.
  • Most users who watch your video on mobile will do it with the sound off.
  • Subtitles will help people who are having trouble understanding your accent.
  • Having captions allows Google to better understand your content, which will boost your SEO.

Setting up captions doesn’t take much time, but doing so can significantly boost your video’s success. So don’t overlook this crucial aspect when making your real estate video!

6. Provide Your Contact Info and Include a CTA

This tip should be a no-brainer, but many realtors still forget it! How do you expect people to find your business if you don’t provide them the contact information?

Also, not including an actionable CTA at the end of the video is another common mistake. Inviting your viewers to act by asking them to visit your site or contact you could be the small push you need to get them to convert!

7. Include Appropriate Music

Silent videos are dull. That’s why it’s essential to include appropriate background music. If the surroundings are too noisy, incorporating a mellow melody in the background during editing can conceal the ruckus. Your choice of background music can even subliminally send your message across to your viewers. For instance, choosing a classical melody could imply the property you’re showcasing is cozy, inviting, and in a family neighborhood. If you settle for something rougher instead, it could signal a sense of epicness or size to the property.  

If you’re interested in some tricks and tips on how to select the most appropriate background music for your video, we recommend you check out this article by Vidyard.

10 Real Estate Video Ideas You Should Use

real estate video ideas

Now that we’ve covered our seven real estate video marketing tips, it’s time to learn from the pros! We hope these examples inspire you to conquer the market and build a name for yourself! Here are ten real estate video ideas to help you get a foothold in the real estate video marketing world:

  1. Listing Videos
  2. Real Estate Drone Video Tours
  3. Advice Videos
  4. Agent Profile Video
  5. Testimonial Videos
  6. Neighborhood & Community Videos
  7. Q&A Videos
  8. Housing Market Update Videos
  9. Training Videos
  10. Funny Real Estate Videos

Let’s get right into it!

1. Listing Videos

Property listing videos are an excellent type of introduction video for a house you’re looking to sell. These should be the backbone of any real estate video marketing strategy as they provide the most value to the viewers looking for a dream home. 

Creating a listing video is superior to providing property photographs in so many ways:

  • Listing videos are more trustworthy since photo listings are often photoshopped or selectively taken.
  • These videos offer a more detailed and interactive insight into the showcased property.
  • They offer way more flexibility and possibilities than photographs ever will.

And for those who want to take their real estate video game to the next level, you could even organize live video tours. We are positive your clients would welcome that quality of life benefit with open arms!

Make Your Listing Videos Pop With These Tips: 10 Videography Tips to Help You Make More Professional-Looking Videos

2. Real Estate Drone Video Tours

Is there a better way to showcase someone’s dream home than from above?

Drone video tours can offer a unique perspective on homes that no usual video could ever capture. That is what makes these videos incredible marketing material!

And if you’re worried about the costs of such a service, don’t be! The prices of hiring a real estate drone photographer are at an all-time low. Because this technology is so widespread nowadays, these services’ prices have dropped by as much as 90% in some places!

So if you have some spare marketing budget, these types of real estate videos would be an excellent investment!

3. Advice Videos

Educational content is the most potent type of content on the web, and the same applies to the real estate industry! 

Do you remember when we talked about the importance of helping your customers? Well, advice and educational videos can help you do just that!

There is no better way to market your business and build credibility than by offering free help. Trust us — your viewers will see your good intentions and will be more likely to turn to you over your competitors when the time comes!

4. Agent Profile Video

Believe it or not, people more often buy people than products! By that, we mean that the product is only as good as the salesperson. 

With that in mind, you must present yourself adequately to your prospects. And what better way to do that than by making an agent profile video?

Creating a short video can allow you to showcase your vibrant personality and leave a lasting impression on your potential customers. That will make it way more likely for them to choose you over your competition.

5. Testimonial Videos

Did you know that 92% of all consumers look up a customer review or testimonial before purchasing? That number is likely even higher in the real estate industry!

That is why your satisfied customers are your most valuable assets, and you’d be wise to use them! Having even one of your happy buyers leave a testimonial video can skyrocket your credibility and help you rake in more leads.

The best part about these videos is that you don’t need any in-depth preparation to make them! It can be as straightforward as inviting them for a short interview before and after a successful purchase. You can even use your phone to do the recording!

6. Neighborhood & Community Videos

Many realtors forget that selling real estate is that it’s not all about the property it’s also about the community. That is why you have to learn to sell the neighborhood too if you want to be successful.

That is where real estate video marketing shines! Is there a better way to sell a community than by making a video that showcases all of its strengths? Probably not.

A property buyer’s journey always starts with research on a place’s community. So being the one who gives the most comprehensive answer to these questions will almost guarantee you get them on board with your agency!

7. Q&A Videos

Q&A videos are an excellent way to interact with your existing clients and to attract new ones

Purchasing a property is a life-changing and stressful decision, so people are sure to have many questions. Making a video covering all of the most frequently asked ones is an excellent way to help your potential clients on their customer’s journey and spread a positive word about your brand while at it.

Oh, and if you’re particularly tech-savvy, you could even opt to do a live ask-me-anything session. Setting one up would be as easy as announcing it on social media a few days before the event and then streaming it over Facebook Live or Instagram. That way, you could interact with many potential prospects and probably even get a few on board!

8. Housing Market Update Videos

If you have the expertise to provide predictions and commentary on the current state of the housing market, this type of real estate videos is perfect for you!

Momentum is everything in the real estate industry, so most prospects will conduct extensive market research before even considering a purchase. That is where housing market update videos can help you boost your brand’s visibility!

Also, making market analysis videos will build your brand’s credibility in your audience’s eyes and cement your agency’s authority on the real estate market. Who knows — you might even see some competitors asking you for advice!

9. Training Videos

Training videos are not videos you will want to make if you’re solely looking to generate leads. These videos have a different purpose building brand authority in the industry.

If you are a beginner realtor, these videos are not for you. But if you’ve been around for some time now and have a lot of valuable experience to share, then you should consider making some training videos.

This content will be directed toward other industry professionals or newcomers to the market and will help them get started.

But why would you want to share your expertise with your competition? Because a good word can be heard a mile away!

10. Funny Real Estate Videos

Last but not least, you can (and should) try to go for some good old humor!

There is no better way of earning someone’s favor than by making them laugh, and who says that can’t work in real estate? You’d be surprised just how effective it can be!

Let your creative juices run wild, and go conquer the real estate video marketing world!