Ways to Repurpose Video Content and Attract Your Audience

5 ways to repurpose your video content by bridtv

Video content has taken the internet by storm. It has become a beloved content type around the world. According to research, 78% of people watch online videos every week. That figure amounts to 55% every day.

With internet users craving videos, businesses were quick to add them to their marketing strategies. It didn’t take them long to see positive results of making videos to engage viewers and promote their products or services.

Among those surveyed, 89% of marketers said that video gave them a good return on investment (ROI). At the same time, 83% of them saw that this content type had a positive impact on lead generation. This was probably why 95% of marketers planned to increase video spend in 2020.

Unique, high-quality, and engaging videos can get your brand a long way nowadays. They can help you retain existing customers and attract prospective buyers. But you probably know this already!

As a marketer, you’ve probably created countless videos for your brand. And now what? Do you just toss them aside and forget about them altogether? No, because you can repurpose video content!

In this article, we’ll present five ways to repurpose your videos and make the most out of them.

Repurposing Video Content

Videos bring value to viewers. Well, at least high-quality ones do. They teach your audience something new or explain a point they didn’t quite understand in the past. This is why it’s paramount you create explainers or educational content.

Other video types like behind-the-scenes videos have the power to show a more human side of your business. They let your viewers meet the people behind the brand. By watching these kinds of videos, customers feel closer to your brand.

So, you see, videos are quite powerful. If you create videos that strike a chord with your viewers, don’t throw them away. You can creatively reuse them to make new content.

Here’s how you can repurpose video content.

1. Convert Long-Form Videos into Short Video Teasers for Social Media

According to Statista, 54% of smartphone viewers spend time watching online videos that are over 20 minutes long. This proves that internet users aren’t only after short-form videos that get the ideas across in a minute or two.

If you’ve created long-form videos in the past, you know what kind of results they can produce. Long-form videos are effective in:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Reaching new audiences
  • Engaging current audience base

After you share your long-form videos, you can repurpose video content to achieve various goals.

With longer videos, you can create bite-size videos for social media. These are short clips that feature the best parts of the longer video, encouraging your audience to watch the entire thing.

To ensure your repurposed content attract the attention of your audience, follow these guidelines:

  • Showcase only the best parts of your long-form video. Perhaps you can include the part where an expert gives advice about marketing strategies or growing a business. Another part you can transform into a bite-size video is the section where they share their take on industry trends.
  • Repurpose video content with captions. According to research, 83% of viewers watch videos with sound off. When you share the highlights of a longer video, make sure to add captions to ensure viewers don’t scroll down their feeds.
  • Include a call-to-action (CTA). Add a CTA to invite viewers to watch the entire video.

The conclusion is — don’t forget about your long-form videos once they’ve served their purpose. They have more value to bring! So, repurpose video content as much as you can.

2. Turn Videos into Audio Podcasts

Podcasts are becoming more and more popular with each passing year. It’s obvious people are head over heels in love with the spoken word. In fact, 41% of Americans listen to podcasts every month.

In the past two years, many brands have tried to engage this audience by launching their own podcasts. They want to inform their audience, establish thought leadership, and reach customers that clearly love listening to podcasts.

If your business wants to jump on this bandwagon, you can do what by repurposing video content, i.e. turning your videos into audio podcasts. This essentially means you take the audio from an existing video and create a podcast episode.

You can promote your podcast on social media or your website. In the end, this content type will probably help you form a deep connection with the audience. Plus, it can draw a new user base to your brand.

If you want to turn your videos into podcasts, make sure to add parts that are value-packed and engaging. No one will listen to a podcast that brings no value to them! Only repurpose video content that is useful for your audience.

3. Use Your Videos to Create Engaging Instagram Stories

As you know, major social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have stories. This feature showcases ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours. With FOMO kicking in, people rush to watch Stories from brands!

As Instagram Stories are viewed by 500 million users every day, we suggest you start on this platform. Watch your videos and decide which parts can be turned into 15-second-long snippets for Instagram.

Cut those parts, make sure to crop them into a portrait format, and share them with your audience on Instagram! Not only will they be visible to your followers, but there’s a high chance other Instagram users will see them because Stories are a big thing on the app.

You don’t only need to repurpose video content that you created outside of social media. You’ve probably made a lot of videos for these platforms specifically. Why not repurpose them?

You can create highlights and feature them on Instagram Stories, including:

  • A year in your company: A series of Stories that showcases video content about the activities in your company over the year, e.g. behind-the-scenes content.
  • Your journey: Perhaps these Stories can feature the first company culture videos you posted on Instagram and the latest ones.
  • Why a candidate should join your team: These Stories can feature fun moments from your office that you already posted on Instagram.

Don’t forget that your Instagram Stories need to engage your viewers. After all, they are only one tap away from skipping your Stories.

4. Make Infographics out of Your Video

Infographics have become popular in recent years. In fact, 67% of B2B marketers were creating infographics in 2020. It’s clear this content type has a dedicated fan base.

The main reason for that is the ability of infographics to present information in a digestible way. One look is all it takes to understand what is going on and collect the data you need.

Let’s say that you create a video that features a lot of research data that is helpful for your target audience. Don’t cast it aside! Turn it into an infographic that brings value to your audience, showing them where the industry is headed.

If you decide to create an infographic, make sure to create a visually appealing content format. Don’t just list information in no order. Your infographic must be formatted so that your audience knows what it shows regardless of whether they are looking at the beginning, middle, or end.

5. Create Email Series from Your Educational Videos

Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective tools. Indeed, it continues to deliver a strong return on investment. For every $1 a brand spends, it can expect an average return of $42.

What you need to achieve this ROI is value-adding email content. If you’re out of ideas, you can repurpose video content. This means you can convert existing videos into emails. Now, that would make for engaging content!

An effective strategy would be to examine your videos and decide which ones you can break into different subjects. You can create an email series out of this, sending an email every week to your subscribers.

Launching an email series can engage your audience, making them excited for the next email.

Closing Thoughts

Video content can be repurposed in various ways, especially if it brings value to your audience. High-quality content always finds its audiences, so it shouldn’t be discarded after you post it on the internet.

Go over our tips and see which videos you can repurpose. Surprise your audience with additional content that is relevant to them!