Spice Up Your Sales Pitches Using Video

Spice Up Your Sales Pitches Using Video by Brid.TV

Is your cold calling sales strategy coming up dry? What about your LinkedIn sales hunts? Perhaps it’s time you re-evaluate your sales strategy. If you think you’ve already exhausted all your possibilities, have you tried video yet? If you haven’t, you’ve been missing out on a lot! Numerous benefits of video sales pitches will make you never want to go back to the traditional, run-of-the-mill methods. But where did this idea of video sales pitches come from?

Video is no stranger to the online world anymore, especially with YouTube now being the second most popular search engine in the world. Also, many businesses worldwide have been adapting the growing trend and popularity of video content in the digital world by giving it a try themselves. According to Wyzowl, 80% of video marketers already found success with video — they noticed it has directly helped them boost sales. But that’s not all! As many as 84% of people said that branded videos helped persuade them to buy a product or a service

With the overwhelming success of video content in every part of the marketing funnel, should it be surprising that it found a use in the sales process? Definitely not. But what are the benefits of shifting to sales pitches, and why should you do it? That’s what we’re going to find out! 

4 Benefits of Using Video Sales Pitches

a woman smiling in front of a camera and showing two thumps up

Let’s look at four reasons video sales pitches trump old-fashioned sales presentation methods.

1. Video Pitches Are More Engaging

It is no secret that videos are the most engaging type of content out there. And you have to agree that sales presentations and cold calling aren’t necessarily appealing. So videos are an excellent way to spice up your sales game and become the top seller! 

Instead of calling or messaging strangers with your PP presentation that they won’t likely even open, you can send them a video pitch with a compelling hook. That will help you grab your lead’s attention much easier than hoping they open your presentation or wait to hear you out.

But how do you make them play the video in the first place? The answer is simple — you won’t have to! Humans are visual creatures, meaning your prospects will be much more likely to click on your videos. And when they do, it’s up to you to hook and engage them!

2. They Introduce the Human Element

What do most sales pitches lack? That’s right — the human element. When you cold call or forward your sales presentation to a prospect, you entirely detach yourself from the process. In other words, they are highly impersonal.

It’s in human nature to like to know who they’re communicating with, which is why using videos can help you increase sales. Putting a face to the seller is a surefire way to put yourself on the same playing field as your prospect, which helps eliminate potential distrust

Also, allowing your leads to see you can enable you to use body language to your advantage. It can set the grounds for what’s to come as you can immediately make your intent clear. That way, your potential clients won’t ever feel misled or cheated.

3. You Can Customize Them to the Customer

The beauty of sales video pitches is that they are easily customizable. If you are making one following a script, you will have little trouble altering your message or presentation style to better fit your current prospects.

After all, there are many different types of consumers, so there are various types of sales videos too. You will increase your odds significantly by picking the right delivery method for each of your prospects.

But why is that? It’s quite straightforward — people want to see personalized content; they are not interested in generic and bland pitches. Luckily, videos allow you to introduce a “you” into your sales strategy. And that can make all the difference with the majority of consumers.

4. They Require Less Time to Make Than Traditional Presentations

Should it be surprising that videos are much easier to make than, for example, a PowerPoint presentation? It shouldn’t!

Making videos is as easy as one, two, three! You just sit in front of the camera and film your pitch. Oh, and don’t worry; even if you feel a bit uncomfortable on video at first, you can easily overcome camera shyness by practicing. 

When making a video sales pitch, you can use a single script for every take but introduce some minor tweaks here and there. That makes altering your pitch to better suit your prospects’ needs nearly an effortless endeavor.

Also, you won’t have to come up with different scripts or dabble with unnecessary and time-consuming edits as you would with a PP presentation, so it’s a win-win scenario!

4 Tips to Help Your Video Sales Pitch Pack a Punch

a woman sitting in front of a camera showcasing a pair of shows

Now that you know the benefits of video sales pitches, here are a few tips for the road to help boost their success!

1. Don’t Beat Around the Bush

Brevity is essential to any sales pitch. If you start beating around the bush, your prospect won’t bother sticking around to hear what you have to say. The same applies to pitch videos!

If you fail to get your point across within the first 10–20 seconds, your prospect will likely close the video and walk away. Ideally, your entire pitch shouldn’t be longer than 40–60 seconds; otherwise, you risk losing your viewers’ interest.

So begin your pitch with a compelling hook, be brief, articulate, and fight for your prospect’s attention every step of the way!

2. Use Body Language to Your Advantage

Perhaps the most significant benefit of video sales pitches is that your leads will be able to see you. With that in mind, it would be foolish not to take advantage of that!

According to research, body language comprises 55% of all of our communication, which means you have to nail it if you want your pitch to succeed. But what do we mean by all that?

It’s quite simple — there are a few body language practices that can make you look more persuasive:

  • Smiling
  • Using expansive gestures
  • Sitting straight (and comfortably)
  • Maintaining eye contact (with the camera)

Some of these might sound like no-brainers, but you’d be surprised how many people fail at them. Luckily, video pitches also allow you to have multiple takes on your recording session to fine-tune and tweak the final product, including your posture and overall body language.

3. Use Visual Aids

Why not use the advantage that video provides to the fullest? Incorporating visual aids in your presentation can do wonders for your conversion rates!

Utilize cards, a whiteboard, or pictures in your videos to better illustrate your point. That can also make it easier for your viewer to keep track of what you’ve already said.

Additionally, you could even incorporate a product demonstration in your video! These are always something users will gladly watch and are much more credible than simply taking your word for it. So what better way is there to sell something than by demonstrating how it works, right?

4. Include a CTA

Last but not least, including a call to action at the end of your video sales pitch should be a no-brainer! 

When trying to sell a product or service, giving your prospects a reason to act is essential. But how can you do that? Here are a few surefire ways.

  • Tell (or show) them how your product can help them.
  • Demonstrate how your product offers them value.
  • Show them why you are a better choice than your competition.
  • Ask them to take action (buy).

All of these combined can be an extremely useful persuasion tool and are essential if you want your sales pitch to drive conversions. So don’t neglect the importance of a CTA and make sure it’s actionable!

A Video Pitch Is a Good Pitch!

As we have just shown you, if you want to introduce a breath of fresh air to your sales endeavors, videos are an excellent tool to consider. They are quick to make, inexpensive, and incredibly effective if utilized adequately. So why not consider trying them out? We’re positive you’ll see excellent results almost immediately!

Best of luck to you!