Supported Video and Audio Formats Reference

Supported video and audio formats at
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

These days, hosting and encoding videos on your own is a lot easier than you think, especially with services and tools like the Brid.TV video player at your disposal. Should you opt to host or encode video files, you might want to check out the info we have below.

Video Files Supported at Brid.TV

Here are the main types of video files that Brid.TV Player supports:

  • MP4 videos using the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec — MP4 is a high-quality format that all browsers and devices can play nowadays. It is today’s video format of choice.
  • HTTP Live Streaming Protocol (also known as HLS) — Input an index file that contains references of fragmented files saved as .m3u8
  • Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH — This is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high-quality streaming of media content over the internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers. Input a valid .mpd file.

Important: MPEG-DASH streaming format is not supported on iOS devices.

4K Video Is an Option

In addition to the wide variety of options and features that come with the Brid.TV video player, publishers are welcome to request support for 4K video. There are some things you should be aware of before enabling 4K video, though. Your videos’ performance will greatly depend on your hardware and your internet connection speed if you settle for this option.

Minimum Required Specs:

  • 2013/14 or later multicore CPU
  • Above-average graphics card
  • 25 MB of internet download speed or more

Audio Files Supported at Brid.TV

If you’re using Brid.TV as an audio player only, the supported format is MP3.

If you have any further questions or need help with anything, feel free to contact our customer support team by making a support ticket or sending us an email.