Types of Podcasts Your Audience Wants to Listen To

Types of podcasts people like to listen by bridtv
  • Post category:Podcast
  • Reading time:13 mins read

There’s one growing trend among marketers — starting a podcast. And it’s not surprising at all, podcasts are what people want to listen to. In fact, 37% of Americans tune into podcasts every month. In this current climate, you might be considering jumping on the podcast bandwagon as well. In that case, it’s important that you know what you need to do before you record your first podcast and what equipment you should get. But, you also need to be aware of different types of podcasts.

After all, the success of your podcast depends on the format. Choosing the right format for your brand is crucial if you want to host a successful show. And trust us, people will pay attention if you deliver engaging content to them. Indeed, podcasts are taking the world by storm:

So, your customers are probably already listening to podcasts. Perhaps they’re waiting for your brand to launch one as well. If you’re ready to commit, we’ve got you covered! We’ve prepared three popular types of podcasts your brand can create. Choose the one that works best for your business!

Narrative Storytelling Podcast

Narrative podcasts focus on stories —  either those of people, businesses, or brands. They chronicle real life events that might be interesting to listeners. Brands usually feature interviews, and add music and sound effects to take the storytelling to the next level. Although it sounds easy, this podcast format can be difficult to nail even if you don’t have some experience. If you want to make it work, you need to have a big team of professionals behind you.

For this format, experts suggest having editors, producers, and journalists who can help you build the storyline. Together you can create simple or complex shows, but know that you need to feature a lot of audio elements such as phone conversations and interviews. Of course, if this format isn’t suitable for you, there are other types of podcasts you can make.


This podcast type can be extremely engaging because you have more creativity when making it. Your job is to find an interesting topic and think about ways you can present it to your audience. And if you have an engaging true story to tell, your listeners will be hooked in no time.

Moreover, another benefit of this type is that you can add different audio elements to it. So, your podcast episode can include movie clips, news broadcasts, or other elements that enhance the experience. Lastly, there’s an unlimited number of stories you can choose from — just do your research.


If you ask most brands that make this podcast type, they’ll tell you that it takes a lot of time to make this format, especially because they need to conduct research. Therefore, if you’re ready to commit, ignore other types of podcasts, and record this one. But, don’t forget that you need to have professionals around you who’ll help you create an engaging narrative podcast.

Furthermore, narrative podcasts require music and sound effects, interviews, and a lot of editing. That’s why some brands ignore them and focus on other formats. We suggest that you do that as well if you can’t dedicate time to narrative podcasts.

Solo Podcast

Out of all types of podcasts, this one is the most common in the marketing world. Solo podcasts feature a host who tells stories or comments on a particular subject. It’s usually a person who has considerable expertise and wants to share it with others. Unlike narrative podcasts, solo podcasts don’t require much fanfare or setup. Quite the contrary, your “only” job is to talk into a microphone and share your knowledge.

Many brands go with this format because it’s simple to make. You only need a microphone and some editing software, and you can start recording. Solo podcasts can be entertaining and informative to listeners. Although they don’t feature any guests, they captivate the audience with the help of compelling storytelling.


The biggest advantage of solo podcasts is that you don’t need to rely on anyone but yourself. You set your own pace and do things as you see fit. So, you’ll spend less time making this podcast format than its narrative counterpart. It’s way easier to edit one voice than multiple tracks. Plus, you don’t need to focus on the sound elements as much.

Also, solo podcasts allow your audience to get to know you better. They spend the whole show with you alone. After some time, they’ll start to think that they know you personally. If you’re after an intimate atmosphere, disregard other types of podcasts and choose this one.


Some listeners might think that your podcast has no credibility because it doesn’t feature any guests. Without being a thought leader in your field, it will be challenging to get your listeners to believe you right off the bat. Therefore, have patience if you choose this podcast type.

In addition to that, solo podcasts have no audio elements except for a single voice. For this reason, your listeners might lose interest quickly. Plus, you may have to do numerous takes since you’re the only speaker in the show.

But, let’s see what other types of podcasts you can choose.

Co-Hosted Podcast

You’ll encounter this podcast format a lot in the marketing world. It involves two people who are engaged in a discussion regarding a particular matter. Both of these individuals are hosts in the co-hosted podcast format.

Usually, each host has a specific role during the conversation to ensure the show is engaging. For instance, one might read the news, while the other is there to provide commentary. Alternatively, one host might teach a lesson, whereas the other might connect it to their own experience.

Also, the hosts may decide to invite a guest and interview them about a certain topic.


Perhaps the biggest advantage of co-hosted podcasts is that you’re not alone. You have a pal there who is responsible for half the conversation. So, even if you run out of things to say, your co-host will find ways to keep the conversation going. Additionally, you can agree to divide the work evenly between the two of you. You can focus on producing and your colleague on promoting the podcast.

Apart from that, your audience will feel like they’re part of an exclusive club, especially if you create a friendly environment. Every person would listen to an organic conversation rather than a scripted show.


Sometimes it can be hard to stay on the same page with your co-host. A conflict might arise if you don’t agree on the purpose of each podcast episode. And if you want to keep the conversation going, it’s important you choose topics you both know something about. Your audience will notice if one of you doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Plus, scripts won’t help you here because each episode relies on conversation.

You might encounter another problem in post-production. Namely, it’s harder to edit two voices. So, you’ll probably spend more time during this stage to ensure the whole episode is to your listeners’ liking.

As you can see, all three types of podcasts have their pros and cons. But this shouldn’t put you off any of them. Just make sure to select the one that is most suitable for your brand.

Choose Wisely and Rely on Brid.TV for Your Podcasts

These three types of podcasts are the most common today. You should choose wisely the one your brand will make. Trust us, your choice of the format will have the biggest impact on your show. It will dictate everything you do, including the content you create and guests you invite. So, ask yourself what you’re most comfortable with and start taking the podcast world by storm! 

And if you need a reliable solution for your podcasts, Brid.TV has got your back! Brid.TV’s player supports audio files and can help you deliver your episodes to your audience. On top of that, we support VAST audio ads, which means you can monetize your podcast and earn a steady profit. Leverage Brid.TV and transform your business!

Best of luck!