Video Analytics Just Got Better: Improved Usability and Video Analytics

Video Analytics, improved usability
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Content creators are looking for more and more ways to express their ideas and share them with the public. Consequently, video is now the most powerful medium on the B2C and B2B scene. Meanwhile, publishers are proactively navigating the contemporary digital landscape with video as their primary source of monetization. This is something BridTV is well aware of. We stand behind publishers, fully supporting their business efforts with our latest, groundbreaking video tech. In addition, we have now implemented a brand new analytics engine. The engine massively improves your video data and focuses greatly on usability.

The State of the B2B Online Video Market

Did you know that, by 2022, over 82% of all consumer Internet traffic will consist of online videos? That’s 15 times more than how things were during 2017. At the same time, 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. So, it’s pretty obvious that videos aren’t just limited to the entertainment industry. Videos also extend to the B2B market, effectively becoming the main driving force for branding and promotion. It was noted recently that 54% of consumers wish to watch additional videos from a brand/business they support.

Video Analytics: Focusing on Usability

The latest update incorporated into our video tech features a streamlined version of the BridTV Video Analytics. This allows web publishers to gain access to analytics per video. This includes plays vs impressions, ad requests vs impressions, and fill rate (by ad slot – preroll, midroll, post-roll, overlay, banner, etc.). The whole engine gives you a chance to zero in on usability, ad performance, and ad opportunities. For example, one of the most valuable stats for video is VCR (Video Completion Rate). This works smoothly with BridTV Video Analytics, thanks to the improved ad-specific metrics that are now fully integrated into the CMS. This valuable data can also be filtered to check out ad performance on both desktop and mobile.


As you examine vital data in your video analytics, you will be able to locate certain friction points beforehand. Our slick analytics segmentation can help you track ad performance according to specific categories:

  • Tracking Stats & Behavior Per Video – Easily incorporate Brid analytics per video into your custom-tailored metrics, which delivers accurate data and statistics based on the performance and behavior of your video content.
  • Tracking Playlist Performance – BridTV Analytics features analytics data per user-created playlist. Extremely precise data per individual playlist is available via Brid.
  • Detailed Analytics Per Player – Apart from providing an excellent and well-optimized analytics overview, which digs deep into all the valuable video data, BridTV Video Analytics also tracks data per video player across your entire network. So, when you create multiple players (Facebook, AMP sidebar, In-content, etc.), just activate BridTV Analytics and watch as the relevant data is extracted from each one of those players.
  • Bandwidth Consumption – Your bandwidth consumption is constantly monitored to make things easier for you. The greatest benefit of this particular feature is saving bandwidth costs drastically.
  • Outstream Performance – Thanks to our updated analytics engine, you now have the option to tweak and re-tweak every single Outstream Unit. Tracking the performance of individual Outstream Units proved to be an extremely valuable feature, one that we highly recommend if you’re looking to properly boost monetization and optimize performance.

Brand New Analytics API

The main objective of our revised in-house ad metrics tech is to ensure the performance of your ads improves, thus leading you to better ROI and an overall revenue jump. With the new BridTV Analytics API, web publishers are welcome to integrate all the facets of the BridTV Analytics Engine into their development process. The advanced programmatic method API enables you to migrate your analytics and data from the BridTV CMS. This is going to be an immense time saver and it will also allow you to create custom reports. Translate relevant data and key infrastructure into code in order to integrate your Brid Analytics with other business applications.