BridTV: Video Analytics 2.0

Video Analytics 2.0
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:7 mins read

The current online video market is becoming increasingly competitive, so having a data-driven digital marketing strategy is without a doubt your best weapon. This is especially true if you’re using video to monetize your website’s traffic. After making a considerable leap forward, we are now ready to provide publishers with a wider array of options when it comes to video analytics.

Weeks away from launch, the new BridTV Analytics Engine 2.0 will offer an amazing variety of options, enabling you to compile and analyze truly valuable data. Bear in mind that the BridTV in-house video player analytics engine is also a vital component that’ll help you expand your online business.

Benefits of Powerful Video Analytics

The objective of our latest groundbreaking video technology is ad revenue optimization for web publishers. Our video platform helps publishers customize their ad stack by relying on powerful analytics, thus focusing on high-yield ad formats. We have four goals here, which are as follows:

  • Decrease page load speeds.
  • Provide premium demand.
  • In-depth reporting and data collection.
  • Offer detailed per-video metrics.

So, what are the most important aspects of any video analytics engine? Well, these are divided into three categories, which you can check out below. By incorporating highly optimized and detailed video player analytics, publishers can achieve the four goals above. With the Brid analytics engine you can rely on the following:

Accurate Video Metrics – Now let’s talk about how to measure these goals. You may already be familiar with most of these metrics, but we won’t spend long here, and the refresher will be helpful in a moment.

Impressions – This is indeed the most basic of elements in any analytics engine. With ads and ad tags, the number of impressions will depend on several factors, including page loads, player loads, and of course ad loads (the player needs to begin playing the ad before the impression is counted). Of course, ad impressions are counted as soon as the ad itself loads. After that, tracking continues into click metrics, additional interaction metrics, and more.

Awareness Metrics – Social engagement, which denotes events via any of the major social networks.

Achieving your video marketing goals is possible if you have the right tools by your side. That way you can easily increase brand awareness and improve ad performance at the same time. The next step is to increase sales and improve ROI. But first thing’s first. All of these goals can be accomplished if you’re keeping track of stats that matter. Our powerful, new analytics engine bestows your online business with an assortment of crucial video metrics. Publishers can basically check out everything from bandwidth consumption and video engagement to browser usage and device metrics.

BridTV Analytics 2.0 is Here

Without further ado, we have compiled a list of brand-new features that come with the latest BridTV Analytics engine.
Key points:

  • Video analytics: accurate tracking of specific data and friction points of relevant media.
  • Error reporting: delivering precise error stats per ad tag in your waterfall; deep insight into why certain tags are performing poorly.
  • Metrics per video: this new addition is a vital element for publishers who are eager to grab the performance metrics for every individual video they wish to monetize.
  • Browser Device insights: device-based traffic data and content performance data.
  • Viewer engagement monitoring: clear-cut engagement data and general video metrics (unique views, video plays, etc).
  • Traffic sources: detailed organic traffic data and referral data.
  • Geography: straightforward region-based traffic data.
  • Social sharing metrics: keep an eye on all the embeds, and share (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc.).
  • Ad performance: ad requests and ad impressions graphs that display ad performance either by ad slot or platform device.

Key Ad Performance Metrics

By keeping an eye on key video and ad performance metrics, you will be able to go over highly accurate data of your videos. This denotes a variety of aspects such as impressions, views, engagement, clicks, and, of course, audience data. Some of the key metrics for your monetization campaigns include:

Video bandwidth: covers video rendition, total, account usage, browser data (mobile, desktop, browser), OS (Operating System) – Mobile, Desktop, OS, GEO (video usage according to platform and region), traffic sources (discover the source of your organic traffic), platform loads, player vs. outstream, platform loads by country/region and more.

Video data: Plays vs. impressions (Desktop/Mobile), engagement (Desktop/Mobile), OS, browser, social, Geo – Video plays by country on mobile/desktop

Individual Video Player Metrics: with video analytics per video, which includes plays vs impressions, ad requests vs impressions, and fill rate (this denotes fill rate by ad slot – preroll, midroll, post-roll, overlay, banner, etc.).

Events: crucial events are shown according to certain video player interactions (play, pause, next, previous, playlist… )

Ad errors: BridTV error reporting is an essential component of the new analytics engine, indicating several errors that make it easier for users to pinpoint potential hiccups in their respective ad campaigns. Here’s a quick list of errors (go here, to get a more comprehensive look at BridTV Error Reporting):

– VPAID error.
– Error getting the VAST XML (vast load timeout).
– Players wrapper limited reached.
– Unhandled error from VPAID.
– Unexpected error.
– Media file timeout.
– Empty vast response.

Social events on desktop and mobile: if you’ve gained any traction or additional revenue, you’ll instantly know where it comes from thanks to intelligent social network syndication. Any activities or video data is shown whether it came via Embed or Link any of the biggest social network sites: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and so on.

Fast Monetization With Accurate Ad Data

Your ad revenue program is sure to gain traction with these additional features of the enhanced video analytics engine from BridTV.

Outstream Data: user experience is the key area you want to focus on, especially when it comes to video content. With BridTV’s Outstream ads we provide detailed data on all ad formats for this exceptionally effective monetization solution.

Ad requests vs impressions: ad requests vs. impressions gives users key insight and ad performance data, covering impressions according to OS / Desktop / Mobile / Browser / GEO and so on.

Ad Tags: so, just how effective are your ad tags and ad units? You can keep an eye on – ad req./ impressions, as well as gain important info including, fill rate, error rate, fill rate, fill rate by ad slot, preroll, midroll, post-roll, overlay, banner, and more.

To reiterate, publishers also get additional ad metrics thanks to error reporting, so they can have more knowledge of how their ads perform on different devices/browsers.

Extras, New Ad Tech, Going Beyond Analytics

Strengthened with brand new analytics, we give publishers a chance to accumulate data that’s relevant so they can effectively implement vital adjustments to their online video business. However, that’s not all we have lined up here at BridTV. We also preparing to unleash improvements to our core player monetization section.
Stay tuned for more info soon…