Perform Small Video Edits Straight From the Brid.TV CMS

video editor feature by bridtv
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Our latest platform update brought several exciting new features, including dynamic ad insertion and picture-in-picture support for our player. However, we also introduced a handy quality of life improvement to our CMS — publishers can now trim videos directly from their CMS dashboard.

Say Hello to Our New Video Editor

The new video editing feature allows publishers to do small edits like rotating or trimming videos directly from our CMS. That will make tweaking your videos that much easier. Instead of having to open a video editing program, edit, and upload the changed version again, publishers using this feature can now do that in just a few clicks.

Note: This feature only works for videos uploaded directly from your device and will be available for two weeks after the upload date.

How to Use the Video Editor Feature

Using our video editor is pretty straightforward, and publishers can do it by following these steps:

  1. After uploading a video to the Brid.TV CMS, navigate to the Videos section and select your uploaded video.
videos section in navigation menu in the cms screenshot
  1. Navigate to the Video Editor section.
video settings screenshot in cms
  1. From there, publishers can rotate their videos or trim any section they wish using the sliders below.
video editor screenshot in cms
  1. Finally, just like on an iPhone, publishers can choose if they want to replace the current video file or create a new video with the edits they made. These changes will be applied only after you click the Save button.

Publishers who want to take advantage of this feature can get in touch with us to have it enabled. Feel free to open a ticket on our Zendesk support hub or contact us directly via email.