Video Marketing Statistics for 2020 [Infographic]

Video Marketing Statistics

Many marketers have been avid supporters of the idea that video is the future of content marketing for several years now. It would be biased of us to judge that statement, so we’re just going to show you the latest data and let you decide for yourselves! We’ve taken our time to compile the latest video marketing statistics of 2020 gathered by various surveys and pieces of research into a handy video marketing infographic.

But before we start, huge thanks to Social Media Examiner, Smart Insights, HubSpot, Wyzowl, and Animoto for their hard work in collecting all this data.

Now, without further ado, let’s look at the key takeaways of the state of video marketing in 2020.

Key Video Marketing Statistics of 2020

Video is the #1 form of media used in content strategy in 2020


According to multiple surveys, the popularity of video has not waned in 2020. Quite the contrary — many marketers still believe video is an incredible addition to their overall strategy and plan to continue using it. Even many who aren’t currently using it plan to change that shortly!

  • 85% of businesses use video in their marketing campaigns. (Wyzowl)
  • 85% of marketers say that video proved incredibly useful for generating attention online. (Animoto)
  • 92% of marketers who use video deem it a crucial part of their strategy. (Wyzowl)
  • 99% of people who use video for marketing say they’ll continue using it in 2020. (Wyzowl)
  • 95% of video marketers plan to raise or maintain their video marketing budget in 2020. (Wyzowl)
  • 59% of non-video marketers say they consider giving video a shot as a marketing tool in 2020. (Wyzowl)

The Effects of Video on Marketing in 2020

According to the collected data, video has proven incredibly potent at helping marketers achieve various goals in 2020. Many have reported increased website traffic, sales, page dwell time, and a boost in customer retention and happiness. The overall verdict of many was that video proved to have a positive ROI.

  • 87% of video marketers found that video boosted their website traffic significantly. (Wyzowl)
  • 81% of video marketers noticed that video helped them increase the average time users spend on their website. (Wyzowl)
  • 95% of video marketers say video helped their users learn more about their product or service. (Wyzowl)
  • 80% of video marketers say video has directly boosted their sales. (Wyzowl)
  • 89% of video marketers found that video gave them an overall good ROI. (Wyzowl)
  • 83% of video marketers say video enhanced their lead generation efforts. (Wyzowl)
  • 43% of video marketers noticed that video helped them reduce the number of support calls they received. (Wyzowl)

Viewing Habits

When it comes to consumer viewing habits, they are at an all-time high. The popularity of video has constantly been growing among consumers, and the latest data confirms that.

  • People will likely be spending around 100 minutes a day enjoying online videos in 2021. (Smart Insights)
  • People view about 16 hours of online video per week — a 52% increase in the last two years. (Wyzowl)
  • People are two times as likely to share videos with their friends and family than any other type of content. (Wyzowl)

Consumers and Video in 2020

As most people have likely expected, consumers had an overall positive view of branded videos in 2020. An overwhelming majority even want to see more of it!

  • 96% of people have viewed an explainer video when looking to learn more about a product or service. (Wyzowl)
  • 74% of consumers said that they’d been persuaded to purchase or download a piece of software or app by watching a video. (Wyzowl)
  • 84% of people said that a brand’s video convinced them to buy a product or service. (Wyzowl)
  • 86% of consumers want to see more video content from brands in 2020. (Wyzowl)

How Consumers Want to Learn About Products in 2020

One of the most interesting findings in 2020 is that an overwhelming majority of consumers prefer to use video to learn about products. Here are the exact numbers:

  • Videos: 66%
  • Articles: 18%
  • Infographic: 4%
  • Ebook or Manual: 3%
  • Sales Call or Demo: 2%


Video is undoubtedly the indisputable king in this regard!

Video Types Marketers Use in 2020

When asked what types of videos they used in their campaigns, the results showed that the majority of marketers took advantage of explainer videos. That just goes to show that educational content is still as popular as ever in 2020!

  • Explainer Videos: 72%
  • Presentation Videos: 49%
  • Testimonial Videos: 48%
  • Sales Videos: 42%
  • Video Ads: 42%


How Marketers Plan to Use Video in 2020

When asked how they planned to use video in 2020, most marketers stated they’d be focusing on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. According to the survey, other channels weren’t as popular, but there are still some notable ones like Twitter and online webinars.

  • YouTube: 88%
  • Facebook: 76%
  • LinkedIn: 66%
  • Instagram: 65%
  • Webinar: 42%
  • Twitter: 38%
  • Facebook Live: 32%
  • Instagram TV: 28%
  • Interactive Video: 21%
  • TikTok: 15%
  • 360 Degree Video: 15%
  • VR: 12%
  • Snapchat Video: 9%


Top Video Channels Used by Marketers in 2020

In a different survey by Social Media Examiner, most marketers noted YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram as their most-used video channels in 2020. Facebook was also quite popular, but not nearly as much. 

  • YouTube Video: 55%
  • Facebook Video: 49%
  • Instagram Stories: 46%
  • Facebook Stories: 32%
  • Instagram Feed Video: 29%
  • LinkedIn Video: 16%
  • IGTV Video: 15%
  • Twitter Video: 12%
  • YouTube Stories: 5%
  • TikTok Video: 3%
  • Pinterest Native Video: 3%
  • 18% of Marketers Don’t Use Video

(Social Media Examiner)

This data corresponds with their other findings, where the top three most-used video channels were Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, respectively.

  • 25% of marketers revealed that Facebook video was their most-used video channel.
  • 24% of marketers stated that YouTube was their most important video channel.
  • 14% of marketers said that Instagram stories were their most-valuable video channel.

How Marketers Are Using Live Video in 2020

According to the most recent findings, live video wasn’t popular among marketers in 2020. More than half of surveyed people didn’t use live video at all. However, those who did mostly did so on Facebook, with Instagram being the second-most popular live video marketing channel. 

  • 54% of marketers do not use live video.
  • 38% of marketers use Facebook live.
  • 17% of marketers use Instagram live.
  • 8% of marketers use YouTube live.
  • 2% of marketers use Twitter live/Periscope.
  • 1% of marketers use Twitch.

(Social Media Examiner)

Among the marketers who used live video, an overwhelming majority stated that Facebook was their most valuable live video channel.

  • 64% of marketers said Facebook live was their most valuable live video channel.
  • 19% of marketers said Instagram live was their most-used live video channel.
  • 10% of marketers said YouTube live was their most profitable live video channel.
  • 5% of marketers said LinkedIn live was their most important live video channel.

(Social Media Examiner)

Social Video Marketing in 2020

91% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing on social media.


According to the latest findings, social video marketing has been quite lucrative for many businesses worldwide. Brands found the most success on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, but advertising on some less popular platforms like TikTok was lucrative for many. From everything we have learned, it’s evident that social video advertising is far from dead in 2020!

Facebook is the #1 platform where marketers plan to invest in the next 12 months, followed by YouTube and Instagram.


  • 93% of brands earned a new customer from a video on social networks. (Animoto)
  • 96% of marketers have placed ad spend on video. (Animoto)
  • 85% of video marketers who were active on Facebook say their efforts were lucrative. (Wyzowl)
  • 64% of businesses found a new client in the last 12 months from a Facebook video. (Animoto)
  • 60% of marketers plan on investing more in their YouTube organic activities throughout the following year. (Social Media Examiner)
  • 79% of brands have landed a new customer from Instagram. (Animoto)
  • 73% of marketers earned a new customer from Instagram Stories. (Animoto)
  • Only 1 in 10 video marketers tried advertising on TikTok. However, 66% of those who did report having seen success. (Wyzowl)

How Marketers Plan to Use Social Video in 2020

Finally, when it came to the question of how marketers planned to use social video in 2020, the answers were nearly unanimous across the board — most wanted to use more! The platforms they were most interested in because of their potential were Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

  • 70% of marketers will increase their use of Instagram videos in 2020.
  • 69% of marketers will increase their use of YouTube videos in 2020.
  • 66% of marketers will increase their use of Facebook videos in 2020.
  • 46% of marketers will increase their use of LinkedIn videos in 2020.
  • 30% of marketers will increase their use of Twitter videos in 2020.

(Social Media Examiner)

Video Marketing Statistics 2020 [Infographic]

video marketing statistics 2020 infographic

If these video marketing statistics made you want to grow your business with video, you’re in the right place! We can help you get started as early as today!