Video on Your Website: Best Practices for Using Video

Best practices for using videos on your website by
  • Post category:Video Marketing
  • Reading time:8 mins read

In one of our previous articles, we talked about five effective ways to implement videos on your website. And now we want to expand on the subject and tell you what the best practices for posting video are. These useful tips will help you catch your visitor’s attention and prompt them to watch your content until the very end.

Nowadays, one of the best ways to enhance user experience is to add videos to your website. This is the content type consumers want to see when they are deciding whether or not your brand can meet their wants and needs. Indeed, 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. So, disregarding videos is completely out of the question.

As you’re in the online video business, you already know that this medium can transform your business, bringing you closer to your prospective and existing customers. Posting videos on social media is one way to get views, but you shouldn’t forget to add them to your website as well. If you’ve already done that or plan to, we have some tips in store for you.

Let’s have a look at the best practices for posting video on your website.

Best Practices for Posting Video

Over the years, businesses have realized how they can educate, inform, and entertain their website visitors. As a result, most of them have added videos to their homepages, looking to captivate their audience enough that they’ll stay on the website longer.

In addition to this, videos are now featured on a wide range of pages, including product and service pages, career sections, support centers, landing pages, and more. This medium allows brands to increase customer’s visit duration and engagement, boost conversions, and improve rankings. It can bring the same results to you as well.

Here are the best practices for posting video on your website.

Focus on Quality

You won’t leave a good impression on your visitors if you post badly made videos. Every content that you add to your website should be relevant and engaging for your customers. It needs to catch their attention and encourage them to take your desired action.

But you don’t need expensive equipment to make quality videos. What you need is a well-written script, creative ideas, and good understanding of your customers. Then, you can make videos at any location you want. Just make sure you pay attention to the basics such as lighting and sound. These are the two major things that can make or break your videos.

Examine Placement

While we’re talking about the best practices for posting video, we can’t forget about placement. Most businesses choose to put a video at the top of a page. This is a practical approach, but it’s far from being your only option.

So, take a look at your website and decide where a particular video belongs. You need to take into consideration the context of that video and whether or not it fits with the overall message of your selected page.

Videos that you post at the top of your page should attract the viewer and reveal everything they need to know. So, when your video takes center stage, the other content on the page is just there to support that video. In other words, they shouldn’t distract the viewer from the leading star.

Of course, you might decide to put a video further down a page because it serves as a supporting asset. The viewer plays it if they need any further clarification.

Create Accessible Videos

It’s important that you make accessible videos that everyone can enjoy. You don’t want a prospective customer to leave your website because they haven’t been able to enjoy your video properly. Put in extra effort to avoid this scenario.

Accessible videos are those that feature captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions. Text versions of your videos can go a long way in showing your customer base that you care about them and that you’re committed to making your content available for everyone.

Let’s see what other best practices for posting video we’ve prepared.

Opt for an Eye-Catching Thumbnail

A thumbnail is the first thing your viewers see, so ensuring that it is as eye-catching as possible is a must. Don’t just put a screenshot of a scene from the video, go one step further and add filters or words that might attract the attention of the viewer. Our point is — put some thought into your thumbnails. Create custom photos that complement the pages you post your videos on.

Learn How to Make Clickable Video Thumbnails here.

Ensure Load Times Are Fast

Nothing annoys internet users more than pages that take ages to load. In fact, 47% of people expect a website to load in two seconds. So, this is another side of running a video business you need to focus on.

We know, testing page speeds may not sound exciting or fun, but this is also one of the most crucial parts of video marketing. Therefore, like other best practices for posting video, you shouldn’t disregard this one either. Make sure to optimize your videos if you don’t want them to slow down your pages.

Don’t Forget to Test

These best practices for posting video will help you improve user experience and take your website to the next level. As a last step, we suggest that you test your website after you’ve posted a new video. Testing can help you decide what works best for your visitors, whether you should change the placement of the video or your thumbnail, and more.

Video Is a Welcoming Addition to Your Website

Posting videos on your website is a smart business decision. Customers now have a dwindling attention span and it’s getting harder to attract their attention with just text-based content. Videos are there to inform and educate your viewers in an entertaining and engaging way. So, we hope our best practices for posting video will help you take the marketing world by storm.