BridTV August 2019 Platform Update: Video Shared Library, Custom Channels and More

Brid.TV Video Platform
  • Post category:Platform
  • Reading time:2 mins read

The BridTV development team continues to polish and improve our video technology to create even more benefits and various options for web publishers. The latest update mostly denotes CMS backend system updates. One of the highlights in this particular update is the brand new reporting tool that’s now been incorporated into the BridTV Analytics Engine 2.0.

We’ve also added the new “Video Shared Library” feature and more.
Below, you can check out the full list of updates that we added to the BridTV Video Platform:

  • Added our new analytics reporting tool inside our new BETA analytics. You are now able to pull custom analytics reports using different metrics in XLS and CSV format.
  • Added the option to add custom channels/categories for videos.
  • Added a video shared library feature. You can now easily share all videos from a single site to multiple sites under a single account.
  • Fixed the ad unit preview screen to properly redirect.

We’re always on the lookout for a new and exciting way to upgrade our ads revenue and video monetization platform. Stay tuned for more info and features.

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.
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