Video Production Tips: Improve Your Marketing Videos

Video production tips to enhance your videos by BridTV

Video content is an integral part of most marketing strategies today. In fact, HubSpot reports that 85% of businesses use video nowadays. Brands have started to rely heavily on videos as a direct result of their customers’ desires. Namely, 85% of consumers want to watch more branded videos. Explainers, tutorials, live streams, and other video types have largely replaced text-written content. Now, companies need video production tips to ensure they create the best experience for their viewers.

Video can be a valuable marketing asset for brands. In fact, by 2022, online video will represent 82% of all internet traffic.  So, it’s obvious that this content type isn’t going anywhere — it will only grow in years to come.

However, it can be challenging to get people to sit through your video. With the average attention span being eight seconds, you need to create engaging and captivating content. You know, something that will stand out and make viewers pause what they’re doing in order to watch.

While customers are watching, they judge your video on its audio quality, presentation, content, and the information it contains. This means that your content needs to be remarkable to hold your audience’s attention.

In this article, we mention our video production tips to enhance the quality of your video. So, stick around and learn how you can take your creation to the next level.

Video Production Tips: Boost Your Campaign

A brand without a video marketing campaign doesn’t easily get noticed online. Although people still read and follow blogs, they also crave video content. In fact, Google writes that millennials and Gen Z-ers can’t imagine their lives without videos. Google’s survey also looked at the reasons people watch this content type. Here are their top answers:

This means that you don’t need to pressure your customers into watching your video. They’ll gladly do it of their own accord. But, customers don’t want to watch just anything — they want a good video. To help you deliver what they want, we’ve prepared tips for the pre-production, production, and post-production stages.

Let’s go over them now!

Pre-Production: Be Prepared

Getting ready to shoot that video? Congrats! Before you arrive on the set, make sure you’re ready and organized. Without careful preparation, your final product might appear unprofessional and sloppy. And, trust us, you want to avoid that at all cost.

On the other hand, if you know what you’re doing, you’ll have time to focus on other aspects of video production. No one will catch you trying to figure out some last-minute details. In the video world, time is of the essence. Therefore, don’t waste precious time deciding what your actors should say. Know exactly what you want with the help of our video production tips.

Figure Out Your Audience

Whether you want to create relevant targeted content or a successful video ad, figuring out your audience is the crucial first step before shooting a video. However, don’t just assume that all viewers want to see the same thing. This would be a fallacy.

Defining an audience is not easy, but it’s important. This complex process includes building buyer personas, which means that you create descriptions of your ideal customers. After all, your buyers don’t have the same interests, hobbies, or beliefs. Your target audience consists of people from all walks of life, but even they have some common interests you can use while planning your next video.

Narrowing down the characteristics of your audience will help you make a more targeted, engaging, and effective video. And it’s easy to see why. Namely, you’ll tell an authentic and relatable story if you have one specific person in mind.

So, before you set your camera and yell “Action,” craft a message that your buyer persona will find interesting or entertaining. Of course, make sure to mention how your product or service can help them.

Be Original

Show your customers that originality isn’t dead. Although the average person watches 84 minutes of video per day, prove that they haven’t seen it all. Come up with a concept that is original and creative. We know that it can be tempting, but try not to copy someone else’s idea. The best marketing campaigns should serve as inspirationnot as an invitation for copycats.

Apart from researching your buyer persona, we suggest that you also conduct keyword research. This will show you which types of videos are popular in your industry. Many brands have tried most video formats, but that doesn’t mean they’ve covered all angles. Select the video type and ensure you bring originality and creativity to the table.

Have a Plan

All of our video production tips can help you release an engaging and informative video. You just need to follow them if you want to be successful. And you especially need to have a plan before recording the video. Brainstorm some ideas by yourself or with your team. See how you can present your product or service in a way that will make customers pay attention.

Before thinking about background music or lightning, you need to write a script. Come up with a story that will speak to the emotional side of your consumers. Perhaps you decide to show how a product can solve the problems they’ve had for years. Or perhaps you tell them about your brand’s success stories.

Regardless of your choice, having a plan in the video marketing world is a must.

Think About Your Set Options

Sometimes you can shoot a video in your office or backyard. However, these locations are not suitable for every video. So, don’t try to fool your viewers by trying to simulate another location in your living room or office. Your customers are paying close attention to every detail of your clip.

Go all out for some video projects and shoot them against interesting backdrops. Your customers will appreciate seeing something new.

Production: Pay Attention to Details

Ready to yell “Action?” Great because we have some video production tips for this stage as well! If filming goes off without a hitch, then you’ll spend less time in post-production. So, while you’re on the set, be present in the moment and pay attention to the following things.

Mind the Sound Quality

You don’t want your viewers to think you’re an amateur, right? Exactly! So, make sure to avoid having poor sound quality. Use microphones when shooting interviews, tutorials, product launches, or any other video type. The viewers shouldn’t be distracted by any background noise while watching the video.

Set Up Lights

Bring the best experience to your audience and ensure your footage isn’t under or over-exposed. You can achieve this by setting up lights which will then remove any unwanted shadows.

Have a Tripod

Many marketers invest in tripods nowadays. And this investment is worth making because no one wants to see unstable footage. If you hold the camera yourself, the footage might end up being wobbly. So, a standing tripod will keep your video looking professional.

Pay Attention to the Camera

This goes without saying, of course. However, we’ll mention it. The camera should always be in focus if you want to record high-quality footage. So, during filming, keep an eye on the camera and the shots you’re getting. If you’re not satisfied with something, change it on the spot.

Post-Production: Focus on the End Result

And cut! Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of your recording journey. And we have some more video production tips in store for you! It’s time for some video editing. During this last phase, you need to ensure that your video gets your message across and is to the point.

Remember, your viewers have a short attention span. So, you need to capture and hold their attention as quickly as possible. The beginning of your video needs to be engaging, relevant, and informative. If it is, your audience will continue watching.

Align the Flow of the Video With Your Story

Every part of your video, including the tone and pacing, has an impact on your audience. Not only that, but every part of the video also has an influence on its effectiveness. We suggest that you tell a story that you find compelling. Then, you can elevate the video by arranging shots according to your script.

Optimize Text on the Video

Once you’ve done recording, you need to focus on even the minute details of your video. This also means thinking about the text and overall layout. You want to keep the titles simple and classy — don’t go over the top. Pick a clear and bold font and don’t put too many words on the screen. And if you add some animations, chances are your viewers will stay engaged until the very last second.

Prepare the Video for the Platform

You should always remember where you’ll post your video during post-production. Will it go on your website, video platform, or social media? Each platform has different requirements and specifications. For instance, 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. So, on this network, you’ll want to use captions throughout your video.

Following our video production tips, you’re one step closer to conquering the marketing world!

Share the Video With the World!

Hopefully, this blog post has given you some ideas regarding what to focus on during video production. Just remember to be prepared and organized, and you’ll make your marketing videos without any hitch.