Video Syndication Platforms All Marketers Should Utilize in 2023

Video syndication platforms by BridTV

In 2017, 65% of B2B businesses used content syndication as a crucial part of their marketing strategy, and today, that number is even higher. As more and more marketers realize the power of content syndication, the demand for various video syndication platforms is ever-growing.

Luckily, the fast-adapting online world now contains plenty of mediums video publishers can utilize to share their content, including videos. So all of you video marketers out there buckle up because we’re going to showcase six video syndication platforms you can use to get your content in front of a broader audience.

But before we get into the matter at hand, let’s quickly address what video syndication is in the first place.

What Is Video Syndication?

Video syndication entails republishing your video content on a third-party website. There are multiple reasons one would want to syndicate their content:

  • By reuploading your content on a website with a broad audience, you get your videos in front of many new eyes.
  • You get free publicity and exposure without much investment by syndicating content.
  • Content syndication can help you drive traffic to your website.

Essentially, video syndication is an easy and cheap way to boost your reach and raise brand awareness. That is precisely why so many marketers have been trying this strategy out themselves.

Learn more about the topic in our article on video content syndication.

Now that you know why this strategy is so effective, let’s get to showing you the six video syndication platforms you can use to expand your audience!

6 Video Syndication Platforms You Can Use to Enhance Your Video Marketing Strategy

There are dozens of widely utilized syndication sites out there, but there are six that are the most suitable for syndicating video content:


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With over two billion users, YouTube should undoubtedly be any video marketer’s first choice. It’s currently the largest digital video sharing platform in the world and is the best means of video distribution out there. Also, its viewer base is so large that you’re sure to find an audience whatever niche you’re in. Currently, 85% of marketers are leveraging YouTube in their campaigns, so it must be paying off.

Another YouTube’s strength is that the platform’s interface is user-friendly, and it’s easy to get started. The platform even has an analytics dashboard you can utilize to track the performance of your content. And if you want to get your videos on your website as well, YouTube provides a solution for that too. You can get an embed link with a single click of a button! Last but not least, if you happen to grow your channel enough, you’ll be able to earn substantial revenue by using the platform’s video monetization option

Although more and more people are looking for YouTube alternatives by the day, YouTube is still the best video syndication platform on the market due to the size of its audience, user-friendliness, and potential for profit. If you ask us, it would be foolish to miss out on such an opportunity!


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Facebook has been one of the most lucrative social media platforms for marketers worldwide, so it should come as no surprise that even video marketers have found success there. According to the most recent survey by Wyzowl, 76% of video marketers planned to utilize Facebook in 2020.

Do you remember the size of YouTube’s user base? Well, Facebook has a substantial audience of over 1.8 billion daily active users as well, so it’s right up there with YouTube in terms of reach potential. Even though video is not the first thing that comes to mind when people mention Facebook, it is hard to ignore facts:

  • More than four billion video views happen on Facebook daily.
  • Facebook video posts have an average engagement rate of 6%.
  • Native Facebook videos get shared more — 478% more, to be exact.

You can find these and many more facts in favor of this video syndication platform here.

As you can see, video is one of the best performing content types on Facebook, so this platform should be a no-brainer in your search. And since this social network’s video viewership is only increasing, now is the perfect time to utilize its growing demand for video content and get your brand out there.


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Reddit is a social media giant where users from all walks of life can talk and share anything under the sun. The platform is organized into thousands of communities called subreddits. These allow people with similar interests or goals to share relevant content. There are communities dedicated to everything from pets and funny compilation to technical and industry-specific topics.

Essentially, whatever niche your business is in, there is bound to be a subreddit or several where you could share your content. Overall, that is an excellent way to draw attention to your videos, especially if your target audience is Americans. And if you’re worried whether your content will get enough engagement, don’t be; on average, videos get the most upvotes on the platform out of all types of content, according to Foundationinc.

In the end, Reddit is a well-rounded platform where you can look to expand your audience regardless of your target demographics. All you have to do is locate the subreddits that your target audience frequents and start sharing your videos!


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LinkedIn is a social network where businesses, recruiters, and job seekers can connect, share content, and interact. This platform is particularly useful for content syndication because of its predominantly professional audience. More than 30 million companies exist on and use LinkedIn every day, so there is no better platform for getting your content in front of your peers’ eyes.

Just a few years ago, LinkedIn introduced the option of posting videos on the platform. Since then, the platform has seen a substantial increase in the popularity of video content — from video ads and product demonstrations to online video courses and educational content, the options are limitless. And just in case you need more reassurance, know that video campaigns on LinkedIn have 50% view rates!

Overall, if you miss out on syndicating your content to LinkedIn, especially as a B2B marketer, you’re missing out on a large chunk of your potential audience. So don’t make that mistake; follow your peers’ examples and don’t leave this platform out of your syndication strategy!


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Even though Twitter is not exactly famous for its video content, it’s undoubtedly a valuable video syndication platform for all businesses catering to the American audience. After all, 20% of the platform’s daily users are Americans. We believe this social network is a hidden gem in the online video world, and here’s why.

Many marketers have yet to realize Twitter’s potential for video syndication, and that has mostly to do with the nature of the platform’s content. However, ever since the company introduced the video-sharing option, the decision was met with an overwhelmingly positive response. In fact, 45% of Twitter users wish to see more videos on the platform. And that’s not all — so far, the same research found that videos significantly boost post engagement rates. If that doesn’t scream opportunity, we don’t know what does!

We genuinely believe Twitter can prove lucrative for all businesses catering to a  U.S. customer base, even when it comes to syndicating video content. Hence, we urge you to try and include it in your strategy. You might end up pleasantly surprised!


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Pinterest is a hugely popular social platform that focuses on visual content. As such, this social network is a perfect choice for a video syndication platform. With just over 320 million active users, Pinterest has a lot of untapped video marketing potential, especially in the video department.

Research by Hootsuite gives us some excellent insight on this platform. Here is some insightful data on Pinterest:

  • More than 66% of the platform’s user base is female.
  • There was six times as much engagement on video content in 2019 than there was in 2018.
  • Most searches on Pinterest (97%) are unbranded.

So what does this data tell us? 

First of all, if your brand’s target audience is women, this platform is the way to go! Also, as you can see, videos have been gaining a lot of popularity on Pinterest as of late, so this is the prime time to start syndicating your content here. Last but not least, what does the fact that there are so few branded searches tell you? No, not that Pinterest users aren’t looking for products on the platform. It indicates precisely how unsaturated the market on Pinterest is.

With everything said above in mind, we firmly believe Pinterest is fertile ground for all video content creators, so you’d be remiss to miss out on this fantastic syndication platform.

Get Your Brand Out There With Video Syndication!

Now that you’re well-informed on different video syndication platforms out there, which one will you go for? Will you settle for one, or perhaps pick multiple?

If you ask us, the more, the merrier! Just make sure your target audience is on your distribution platform of choice. If not, you’d only waste resources and get no significant ROI. So don’t forget to do some market research before dedicating your time to syndicating on any of these!

Oh, and if you worry that syndicating your videos to all of these platforms will eat up a lot of your time, don’t worry; there are ways to automate the process! For instance, publishers can syndicate any video they upload to the Brid.TV video platform to YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter at a single click of a button! All they have to do is navigate to the Social Syndication section in the Videos tab in our video CMS and enable their desired video syndication options. cms screenshot

Automating your video syndication efforts through a user-friendly video CMS is the easiest and most time-efficient way to approach the process. Doing so will streamline your video content distribution and leave you with enough time to dedicate elsewhere.

So if you want to make the most of video content syndication, we suggest you find a reliable video CMS like Brid.TV to automate the process! Our video hosting and monetization platform can help you begin harnessing the power of video to grow your business.

So what are you waiting for?