Video Teaching: How to Use Video in the Classroom

How to Use Video in the Classroom by Brid.TV
  • Post category:Video Marketing
  • Reading time:13 mins read

Education has constantly evolved in the last decade. Many teachers have had to adapt to new teaching methods to ensure they have their students’ undivided attention. Assisting them along the way are many digital learning innovations and new tools.

One of those is video.

The use of this medium in the classroom isn’t anything new or strange. In fact, teachers have been using video for years now to both engage and educate their students. According to Kaltura, video is a major hit in the classroom:

  • 99% of institutions say they incorporate videos in their classroom;
  • 90% of teachers state video plays a critical role in education;
  • 83% of teachers say video use enhances their teaching experience.

So, it’s safe to say that teachers are gushing over videos. This marketing medium is now so popular that 55% of people watch it every day. Some of them are probably your students who spend a lot of time on social media where this medium takes center stage.

Now, we know that many schools around the world are currently closed. However, the ongoing pandemic casts a cloud of uncertainty over the possibility of them to reopen anytime soon. There’s a chance you might need to shift to virtual classrooms to maintain continuity of learning.

For this reason, we’re going to focus on how to use video in the classroom. Of course, you should use video in your classroom regardless of whether there’s a pandemic or not. And we’ll tell you how.

Ways to Use Video in Your Classroom

a girl with glasses sitting at a desk, doing geometry with a ruler

Most teachers now follow one rule when introducing new information to their students — show more and tell less. Video clips can be a great tool to help students understand and learn new content. If you’re a teacher, you know how difficult it is to get your pupils to pay attention. Try as you might, you can’t get them interested in history or geography.

One reason for this is that people lose concentration after only eight seconds. As this is the case, you should present a new lesson in history or geography in a fun and engaging way. Videos can help you there.

So, let’s see our tips on how to use video in the classroom.

Record Video Lessons

This year is the year of Zoom. The video conferencing app makes remote meetings possible, but it also assists teachers in connecting with their students. Although it’s useful for live lessons, Zoom has certain limitations that may restrict you and your lesson.

Sometimes students don’t have an available device and they can’t join a live call. Also, having over 20 kids on a call makes it difficult to engage them and deal with those who are causing distractions.

On the other hand, recording a video lesson allows your students to watch and learn at a convenient time. Not only that, but it also helps you minimize mistakes and see which part of the lesson might confuse the kids. You can also make the subject more interesting by adding infographics, fun excerpts, and filters.

Today, 73% of higher education institutions use video for remote teaching and learning. So, you won’t be on your own when you jump on the video teaching bandwagon.

Record Student Assignments

More than 50% of classrooms use video for student assignments. In addition, 21% of those classrooms report that students actively make videos for in-class use. Both of these figures prove that teachers AND students are getting used to video teaching. This brings us to our next tip on how to use video in the classroom — record student assignments!

You can use this medium to record the instructions for an assignment or exercise. This format is quick and clear, so your students will easily understand what you want from them. After all, videos have the ability to turn even the most complex topics into simple ones. Use this to your advantage and make homework less of a nightmare for your students!

In just a few minutes, you can clearly inform them on the due date, form, grading rubrics, and any other information relevant to the assignment. Aside from traditional written directions, you can send students an assignment instruction video. If you do, you’ll ensure that your students won’t miss a thing.

Moreover, students can share the video with their parents who may be helping them at home. In this way, parents won’t need to call you for additional clarification.

Answer Students’ Questions

Students always have questions, especially when they’re learning about a new subject. It’s important that you give them space to ask their questions regardless of whether you’re teaching in a real or virtual classroom.

You can ask students to send their questions and assure them they’ll get individual answers via video. Record a quick video that covers all the points and clears up any confusion. In case more students ask the same question, you can share the same video with all of them.

Share an Announcement via Video

Do you have an important announcement to share with your class? You don’t have to organize a live call to spread the exciting news. Simply make a video and send your message to the students. In that way, you’ll know that the news will reach everyone.

With an online video platform like Brid.TV, you can host and manage your videos. There are many sharing options within the player, so the clip can be sent via email, shared on social media (in case you have a Facebook group with your pupils), or elsewhere! Brid.TV also allows you to track the performance of your video. In just a few steps, you can see how many students have watched the video and determine whether they’re paying attention.

Provide Constructive Feedback

Video is versatile. In whatever way you use it, know it will enhance the classroom experience. But, if you need more ideas for how to use video in the classroom, we have them! Send feedback to your students.

Feedback is an important part of the learning process. It helps your class know what they should improve and what they did well, among other things. Of course, you can publish a grade or send an email with your feedback. But, if you want to come across as warm and helpful, record a video.

Take Virtual Field Trips

Your classroom doesn’t need to be a place where your students go to die of boredom. From time to time, add something new and exciting to keep your class engaged. In fact, you can take them around the world without ever leaving the virtual or real classroom!

Making virtual field trips is convenient for teachers because they don’t need to worry about space or time. For instance, you can give your students a tour of The Louvre or the International Space Station. Our point is — even though countries are yet to open their borders, you don’t need to put on hold your field trips.

Try creating a virtual experience by using Google Earth and similar tools. Narrate every segment of the trip and make this an unforgettable experience for your students!

Now that we know how to use video in the classroom, let’s also see why it’s wise to incorporate videos into teaching.

Why Is Using Video in the Classroom a Great Idea?

a young girl sitting in front of a laptop on a zoom call while holding her mobile phone in landscape position

Ask different teachers this question, and you’ll get different answers. But it all boils down to the fact that video is a triple threat. It can educate, entertain, and engage all in one go. By using videos, you can capture and keep student attention. Also, you have more control over your content with a recorded video than a live video call.

And with our tips on how to use video in the classroom, we’re sure you’ll bring something new to the table. But to answer your question, let’s see what educational institutions said in Kaltura’s report:

  • 93% believe video increases student satisfaction with their learning experience;
  • 85% say video boosts student achievements;
  • 70% believe video brings alumni closer to the institution.

So, it’s official — video has a place in the classroom! The medium opens up so many possibilities and ensures no one calls your classes “boring” or “tedious.” If you haven’t, there’s no time like now to incorporate videos into teaching!

Choose a Video Platform for Education

We know what you’re wondering right now: Do you really need an online video platform? Can’t you just go with YouTube?

Yes, you can, but this platform comes with certain limitations.

YouTube isn’t as secure as some other platforms in the business. Anyone can upload any video they want. This means that your students might get exposed to misinformation or concerning videos. As we know, security is of utmost importance in today’s world.

So, you’ll need a secure video platform for your classes; the one that ensures only your students have access to the content. Brid.TV can meet your needs and demands! We offer a user-friendly video platform that comes with a range of powerful features. You can analyze your videos and check who’s paying attention to your lessons. Not only that, but you can also go live and interact with your students in real-time.

The “only” thing you need to worry about is how to use video in the classroom and we’ll take care of everything else! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Video in the Classroom Is the Future

Teachers and schools are rushing to integrate video into the classroom. It’s obvious that this trend isn’t likely to slow down any time soon. And it’s not surprising at all. The benefits of video in the classroom are too overwhelmingly positive to just disregard this medium. Video and digital content are effective at capturing student attention like no other tools. They also empower students to direct their own learning experiences.

So, look towards the future and start using videos now!