What Is a Storyboard and Why Your Business Benefits From It?

What Is a Storyboard by brid.tv

At the time when 78% of people watch online videos every week, this medium has become important for marketers. It is one of the most effective tools to promote products or services. But making a video can be a bit complicated, especially if you are new to the business. There is one thing that can help you though: a storyboard.

But, what is a storyboard?

We’re glad you’ve asked! A storyboard simplifies the video-making process. It enables you to carefully plan every stage of the production and present your ideas to your team more clearly. Storyboarding will take your videos to the next level and reduce the number of mistakes.

In this article, you will learn what a storyboard is and get a better understanding of why it is useful.

Let’s start!

What Is a Storyboard?

A storyboard is a visual representation of your video. It basically shows how you envisioned  your video to unfold, scene by scene.

Every shot is presented in a series of pictures that illustrate what happens in your video from the beginning until the very end. Each thumbnail includes notes that give more details regarding scenes, including the lines that the actors will say or what the screen will show. This is basically a comic book version of your script.

Whoever sees your storyboard, they should be able to visualize how the finished video will look like.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a visual artist to create a storyboard — it can either be simple or complex. For instance, you can draw rough sketches of every scene. If this isn’t enough for you, there are various software that can generate illustrations based on your ideas. It’s as easy as ABC!

This is what a blank storyboard looks like:

an infographic illustrating how a storyboard template looks

Now that we have given you the answer to the question of “what is a storyboard,” it’s time to expand your knowledge even more!

Types of Storyboards

Publishers and content creators can make different types of videos to engage their audience. As a result, they have various types of storyboards at their disposal as well. The format they make largely depends on the video they are filming and how many people are involved in the production process.

Let’s say that only one person is included in the process. In this case, they won’t need to create a shot-by-shot storyboard because they already know how they want their video to play out. However, if they are working in a team, then it’s wise to make a clear and detailed storyboard so that every member understands what the video should look like.

There are three types of storyboards:

  1. Traditional
  2. Thumbnail
  3. Animated


A traditional storyboard uses a series of pencil drawings to help a marketer or content creator visualize their pitch before they start filming a video. These drawings can be as detailed as you want, and you can decide to sketch every scene or a few shots from your script on a piece of paper.

To make things easier, you can include written notes that describe what the viewer will see in the scene.

Traditional storyboards are easy to edit which makes them popular among marketers. Plus, they assist the team in following the sequence correctly.

Who would have known that a simple question of “what is a storyboard” would demand a detailed answer! But we are not done yet. There are more storyboard formats for you to explore!

Let’s check them out.


A thumbnail storyboard consists of small sketches of the scenes in your video. This type is used when the team members already know how they should make your idea come to life. Unlike a traditional storyboard, this one involves less details. For instance, there is no text and you don’t need to add more information to your sketches.

If you need a detailed version of your idea, then go with a traditional storyboard instead.


The significant developments in technology have made it possible for marketers to use storyboard software to graphically present their video ideas. These storyboards are animated and usually contain some dialogue and music. This allows those involved in the production process to see what the end-product will look like.

As you are no longer going around and asking “What is a storyboard,” another question is now on your mind — why is drawing stick figures on a paper useful? Luckily, we are here to answer this question as well!

Why Is a Storyboard Useful?

an infographic illustrating an example video storyboard

We get it, you might think that you don’t need a storyboard because you already have a script. Fair enough. But you’re forgetting one thing:

Video is a visual medium.

It’s one thing to read how the video will unfold, it’s another to see a visual representation of the script before any filming starts. While going over your script, it’s highly likely that your team members will have a lot of questions for you. They might be interested to know how a certain scene should play out or why you decided to shoot the video in that particular venue.

You can help them get a more clear picture of your ideas by presenting a storyboard to them. Choose any of those three types we mention and you will greatly improve your production process.

Here are other reasons why a storyboard is useful!

It Helps You Organize Your Thoughts

Creating a storyboard is beneficial when you have a lot of ideas swirling in your head. It’s important that you take time to transform these ideas into one coherent vision so that other people around you understand what the video should look like. And storyboards help you with this. 

In addition to that, some marketers use storyboards to test various ideas, scenes, and camera angles without losing sight of their original vision.

It Enables You to Plan Better

Before yelling “Action,” it’s crucial that you devote time and effort to planning every stage of the video production process. This will decrease the amount of mistakes and help you focus on what’s important — your video.

With storyboards, you can plan your video more effectively. Because storyboards involve detailed descriptions, the finished product will turn out as perfect as possible.

It Allows You to Share Your Ideas

Typically, the production process involves a lot of people who are trying to make your idea come to life. Sometimes they might not understand your vision and they might need some help to ensure you get what you want. This is when you should use storyboards to communicate your ideas to them. These sketches will enable your colleagues to envision the video you have in mind.

Storyboards Can Transform Your Business

If you want to create engaging videos that people want to see, storyboarding is a crucial step in the process. Storyboards help you sort your ideas out and explain your vision to your team members.

The next time someone asks you “What is a storyboard,” impress them with your answer and tell them how it has transformed your business for the better!