BridTV Update: Enhanced WP Functionality, Added Playlist Tags and More

Enhanced WP Functionality
  • Post category:Platform / WordPress
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Always staying ahead of the curve, and bringing new and exciting features, the BridTV platform, once again, evolves to improve your online video businesses. This week the BridTV video platform and CMS gets a fresh batch of improvements and updates, including better WordPress functionality within the WP BridTV player plugin.

Before we get into the meat of this particular update, let’s take a closer look at some of the best additions to the CMS and video platform:

WordPress Functionality

The latest BridTV update now features a fully enhanced WordPress plugin, which has been ironed out and polished to improve overall functionality. Also upgraded: certain API calls to video listing and searching are now faster.

New Features for Custom Playlists

Added the option to add tags to your custom user-created playlists. This is especially handy because if you add a tag on the playlist level for any of your playlists, any video that contains the same tag automatically gets added to that playlist. Simple, useful, and lightning-fast.
More changes were added to streamline things for publishers, on the development side, and on the user side. Here are the changes in full:

  • Deprecated the ad preload contents option for the player. Now we just support the standard ad preload option which will preload the VAST/VPAID XML template only.
  • Added an option on the player level to detect an ad blocker on-site and if detected, will show a message to inform the user to disable their ad blocker to view video content.
  • Added an option to force a player to appear even if no ad is present to the player when the “acts as X outstream unit” option is used. For more information about this, go here.
  • Created a player plugin for Nielsen reporting for Italy GEO. Contact us for more information about this.
  • Finished our migration script for PlayWire users so if you are currently on PlayWire or have any assets on PlayWire, contact us for migration help.

Our main objective is to deliver as many cool new features and options make things smoother and easier for our clients. We are also happy to inform you that there’s an amazing variety of brand new features and fresh updates lined up for the next few weeks, not the least of which is the brand new analytics engine – BridTV Analytics 2.0!
See you soon, folks!

Please let us know if you have any questions, and thanks for your continued support of BridTV.

The Brid Team